Rovereto Rovereto food distributors Trento food distributors city Vallagarina-Highlands Riva del Garda Riva and Arco Basso Sarca and Ledro Valley and Lower Valsugana Primiero food distributors Lavis and Rotaliana Pergine and Upper Valsugana Fiemme and Fassa and Val di Non and Sole Giudicarie Rendena Sports Economics National Cinema & Entertainment Editorials The Director shall Categories Health Sciences food distributors School food distributors Techno & Travel
TRENT - Planning and design of the new mobility in Trentino pass through the integration of road transport and rail transport. In short, a reorganization of the sector that relies on road and rail, in order to offer to tourists and Trentino practical and effective alternatives to the private car even when traveling towards the valleys.
This will be discussed during the conference "Transport as an opportunity for the reorganization of the territory and economy of Trentino" to be held Friday, April 11th at the headquarters of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto in via Calepina. The initiative is organized by the association food distributors Transdolomites and finds support from the Association artisans and small businesses,'s hoteliers and tourism businesses (Asat), Confindustria Trento.
Certainly construct a railway system has its costs, not indifferent. But all the infrastructure cost and without infrastructure back to prehistoric times. Do not forget that in 1891 there was a railway Rovereto-Arco-Riva. Reply
The answer is' of course politics with a capital P: listening territory, assess costs and benefits, make a choice, to situate it in a larger project and act. The Trentino food distributors has already made this choice on its territory food distributors by accepting the high-speed food distributors line Brenner. food distributors Now you should just try to be consistent with the choices already made! Reply
Academy of enterprise (which, needless to say, yes it is connected to the PAT but also and above the chamber of commerce and then to the world of production, etc. etc.) teach us, quite rightly, to sell the "product Trentino." if all asfaltiamo what becomes the "product Trentino"? food distributors smog, asphalt and polluted? this is the area that we should be promoting? freight by rail and less efficient services food distributors with car please! Reply
rubber? food distributors No, Yes to rail, public service, etc.. Larentis should think so: it is useless to think of exporting wine to the streets if he wants that wine is produced in a territory inquinato.non nobody wants it. same argument food distributors applies to any food products and tourism, many of whom live its affiliates. Reply
Trentino mistaken if his model were only the Grisons! Moreover, Switzerland is much more than narrow-gauge railways and roads to do. It seems to me, therefore, a priority in Valsugana, the completion of a four-lane road and a fast track of the railway. Reply
chat to the rail ... but in fact Interbrennero (the company's PAT is responsible for transferring the trucks on trains) is left to itself and to the brink of bankruptcy. While the Brenner Pass, on the Italian side, continues to be the most convenient motorway crossing of the Alps to the point that the trains full of trucks that go from Innsbruck to stop Brennerbad and downloading the means to get them to continue along the A22. Schizophrenia! Reply
No doubt rotatia and as an alternative monorail or cable connections, of course, starting from the valleys sacrificed. How heavy traffic could be avoided if the transport of goods was done with the same train or cableway? And then not to mention the tourism! Switzerland teaches! Reply
AAA + A -
Mantovan Gullo
April 12, 2014
Giorgia Cardini
If the autonomists They undermine food distributors the autonomy (of others) ...
The voter
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