Saturday, January 31, 2015

According to the Physicians Desk Reference (2008), latanoprost is indicated for elevated intraocula

Characteristics. Colorless or slightly yellowish oil. Easily soluble in acetonitrile, soluble in acetone, ethanol, central distributing ethyl acetate, isopropanol, methanol and octanol, central distributing practically insoluble in water. Pharmacology.
Analogue PHF2alfa central distributing selective agonist PROSTANOID FP-receptor. central distributing It lowers intraocular pressure due to increased outflow of aqueous humor, mostly uveoskleralnoho. May gradually change central distributing eye color, central distributing increasing the amount of brown pigment in the iris by increasing the number of melanosomes (pigment granules) in melanocytes of the iris stroma. Typically, the brown pigmentation, which is located around the pupil spreads toward the periphery of the iris of the eye affected, but perhaps solid brown color of the iris or just its parts. During treatment central distributing may increase the severity of freckles on the iris. Change the color of the iris is slow and may be unnoticed for months or years. Pigmentation of the iris may be more pronounced in patients with green-brown holubo- / gray-korichnevyy central distributing or yellow-brown eyes. In clinical trials brown color of the iris does not progress after discontinuation of therapy, but may be irreversible. The effect on melanocytes and / or deposition of pigment granules in other parts of the eye during prolonged use is not currently known. Latanoprost may cause darkening of the eyelid skin and gradually change eyelashes and vellus hair. Showed an increase in the length, thickness and pigmentation of eyelashes, and violation of the right direction of growth of eyelashes (these changes may be irreversible). Effect of latanoprost on the corneal endothelium after prolonged use insufficiently studied.
According to a multicenter, randomized, central distributing controlled central distributing trials in patients with baseline intraocular pressure (IOP) 24-25 mmHg, latanoprost treated for 6 months, was shown to reduce intraocular pressure by 6-8 mmHg Lowering IOP begins 3-4 hours after instillation and reaches a peak after 8-12 h significant differences central distributing in safety or efficacy of latanoprost central distributing in patients younger and older were found.
Latanoprost at instillation absorbed through the cornea where the isopropyl ester (prodrug) is hydrolyzed by esterases to the cornea acid has biological activity. Peak concentrations in watery moisture is reached in 2 hours after application. The volume of distribution is 0,16 0,02 l / kg. Acid of latanoprost on intraocular fluid is determined during the first 4 h plasma - only during the first hour after topical application. central distributing Active acidic form, which reached systemic blood flow, primarily metabolized in the liver by beta-oxidation of fatty acid to 1,2-Dinora-and-1,2,3,4-tetranor metabolites. T1 / 2 of plasma latanoprost acid after the / in the introduction and local instillation of 17 minutes. Systemic clearance - about 7 ml / min / kg. The metabolites central distributing are excreted mainly by the kidneys, about 88% and 98% received central distributing dose appears in the urine at the local and / or to the administration respectively.
Studies in monkeys noted increased pigmentation of the iris - an undesirable effect associated with proliferation of melanocytes not, and with the stimulation of melanin production in melanocytes of the iris stroma. In the study of latanoprost ophthalmic toxicity monkeys administered at a dose of 6 mg / eye / day (4-fold excess of daily human dose) and caused an increase in the optic fissure. This effect was reversible and occurred by exceeding the standard central distributing therapeutic doses.
In studies on cultures central distributing of bacteria cells lymphomas in mice and micronucleus test in mice mutagenic properties were found. Chromosomal aberrations observed in in vitro studies in human lymphocytes. In tests on mice and rats treated with latanoprost orally at a dose of 170 mg to / kg / day (approximately 2800 times the recommended for a person) for 20 and 24 months respectively carcinogenic properties have been identified. Additional studies in vitro and in vivo in rats unscheduled DNA synthesis was found. Studying the impact central distributing of latanoprost on fertility revealed no changes in female and male animals. Application.
According to the Physicians Desk Reference (2008), latanoprost is indicated for elevated intraocular pressure in patients with open-angle glaucoma and ocular hypertension, including with tolerance to other IOP lowering drugs or lack of effectiveness. Contraindications.
Pregnancy, breastfeeding, child age (safety and efficacy not established); active inflammation in the eyeball (iritis, uveitis), aphakia, psevdoafakiya to damage the lens capsule, state, accompanied by the risk of macular edema, angle-closure glaucoma central distributing with signs of inflammation central distributing or neovascularization, wearing contact lenses, liver damage and kidney. Side effects.
According multicenter, double-blind, controlled trials in 5-15% of patients treated with latanoprost for 6 months, marked a noticeabl

Friday, January 30, 2015

Secondary glaucoma develops as a result of other diseases that lead to increased IOP, which also co

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Despite the fact that glaucoma is a fairly common disease, there are some species of which are extremely rare, but they also carry significant harm to human health, and specifically of the vision. Naturally, the quality of the treatment of glaucoma defined timely and complete diagnosis market basket massachusetts of the disease and treatments and varieties market basket massachusetts pathology.
Pigmentary glaucoma - a type of open-angle glaucoma, which is passed on hereditary lines often among men. We develop the disease at very early age (20 - 30), through which is quite a serious threat to the normal view. A special risk group is people with myopia, because their anatomical structure of the eye is particularly beneficial to the development of this pathology. This contributes to the concave shape of the iris, forming a wide angle. This leads to friction on the lens and iris pigment lesions that can clog the pores of the trabecular network, and it will certainly lead to increased IOP.
Secondary glaucoma develops as a result of other diseases that lead to increased IOP, which also contributes to optic nerve damage and vision loss. It occurs because of an eye injury, tumors, inflammation, and after long-term use of some medicinal drugs, such as steroids. psevdoeksfoliatyvnym glaucoma occurs after peeling flakes of tissue from the outer part of the lens. These microscopic particles going between the iris and the cornea leading to clogging of the drainage system of the eye, which also increases the pressure. It is this form often develops together with cataracts. market basket massachusetts
Iridokornealnyy endothelial syndrome actually consists of three separate pathologies: Chandler market basket massachusetts syndrome, iris nevus and progressive atrophy of the iris. Suffering from this disease often women 30 - 50 years, and its cause remains market basket massachusetts unidentified and. It is known that all patients were in the body of herpes simplex virus.
Neovaskulyarnuyu glaucoma occurs through the formation market basket massachusetts of blood vessels in the most pathological iris, as well as drainage channels. Its causes carotid artery occlusion is and central market basket massachusetts retinal vein and another prolyferatyvnaya diabetic market basket massachusetts retinopathy. It is of three kinds (rubeoz iris, secondary open-angle glaucoma and secondary type sinehialnaya closed-angle glaucoma) market basket massachusetts and very difficult to treat.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

The causes that trigger the periodic or continuous increase in IOP can be set: heredity, individual

June 28, 2011 - Glaucoma - a group of severe eye diseases caused by an increased intraocular pressure. In glaucoma, enlarged and fixed pupil acquires the characteristic bluish-green tint. This fact gave the name of the disease: from the Greek "glaucoma" - bluish clouding of the lens of the eye. In German the same reason glaucoma called "green cataract." Today it is one of the most common ovations food services eye diseases that often leads to complete loss of vision.
Common to all types of glaucoma is elevated intraocular pressure (IOP). Normally it is 18-27 mm Hg, and glaucoma rises to 80. The disease can affect both eyes. IOP increases due to violation of the circulation of intraocular ovations food services fluid. Increased IOP leads to hypoxia and ischemia in the optic nerve. Compressed nerve fibers ovations food services deprived of food, atrophy and die, leading to tissue destruction retina and gradual loss of vision. If part of the optic nerve fibers able to avoid death by moving to a state parabyoza (decreased activity, "sleep between ovations food services life and death"), it is still possible to restore vision.
The causes that trigger the periodic or continuous increase in IOP can be set: heredity, individual characteristics anatomy of the eye, cardiovascular, endocrine or nervous system, leading to disruption of the blood supply to the brain. Usually work has several factors that developed as a result of glaucoma.
For patient ovations food services age there are several main types of glaucoma. Congenital glaucoma is quite rare, in one case by 10-20 thousand. Newborns. The disease can develop if the I-II trimesters of pregnancy expectant mother pereboleet rubella, mumps, polio, syphilis, etc. Vitamin A deficiency, hyperthyroidism, excessive use of alcohol mother have risk factors for glaucoma in infants. At birth, diagnosed 60% of children with glaucoma, such children significantly increased the cornea or all of the eyeball (hydroftalm - eye edema, or buftalm ovations food services - bovine eyes). In other cases, congenital glaucoma appears to 3 years. Youth (juvenile glaucoma) - diagnosed between the ages of 3 and 35 years. Sometimes separately isolated infantile glaucoma (3 to 10 years). This rare disease. Most often it is caused by genetic disorders. Primary glaucoma adults - the most common form of the disease. Often glaucoma develops unnoticed by the patient. The main complaints: iridescent circles around lights, intermittent temporary blurred vision, pain in the brow area. As cell death in human retinal blind spot area is expanding, shrinking area of peripheral vision. Until such time as significantly ovations food services decreases visual acuity, ovations food services the disease is already in a difficult stage, the optic nerve is almost ovations food services completely atrophied. Adult Secondary glaucoma is caused by other eye diseases that lead to a breach of intraocular fluid circulation and, consequently, to an increase in IOP.
This condition can develop in nervous tension, fatigue, prolonged eye strain or working in the position of inclination of the head. The attack begins with bright circles around lights, headaches and pain in the eyes, blurred vision. IOP quickly rises to 60-80 mm, intraocular fluid circulation stops. The cornea becomes cloudy due to heavy swelling ovations food services that peredavlyuye optic nerves. It may develop nausea to vomiting, pain, smack in the heart. The front surface of the eye is red stood out from the vessel and becomes bluish. Pupil not reacting to light. When the feeling of eyes seems solid as a rock. Acute glaucoma attack requires immediate medical attention, otherwise the patient threatens irreversible loss of vision.
In the diagnosis of glaucoma primarily conducted intraocular pressure measurement: single and daily fluctuations in IOP (twice a day). In addition, the estimated figures vnutrihlaznichnoy outflow of fluid and limits the visual field (perimetry). To investigate the development of glaucoma and to assess the transaction is honioskopii method.
Glaucoma treatment has three main objectives: normalization of intraocular pressure - first priority; improve blood supply to the optic nerve of the eye and inner shells; normalization vnutrihlaznichnoy fluid exchange between tissues of the eye.
When glaucoma in any case not be prescribed a medication alone. Drugs that reduce ovations food services intraocular pressure, ophthalmologist selected individually for obligatory diagnostic tests. The response to the same drug can vary in different people, so you should just follow the doctor's recommendations and regularly visit him for re-examination.
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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Betaxolol was first synthesized by firm Synthelabo for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Th

Betaxolol in the treatment of glaucoma
H esmotrya the progress of ophthalmology, glaucoma is one of the major problems of this medicine. Traditional tulip telecom ltd important place in the treatment of glaucoma medical therapy takes. Thanks to the progress of Pharmacology arsenal tulip telecom ltd protivohlaukomnyh means considerably enlarged. However, a large selection of drugs creates difficulties for practitioners, is becoming increasingly difficult to understand the huge flow of scientific and promotional information about new drugs. The present review aims to summarize the most important results of experimental and clinical studies on betaxolol - one of the most effective drugs for treatment of glaucoma.
Betaxolol was first synthesized by firm Synthelabo for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Then it began to be used in ophthalmology as eye drops for the treatment of primary glaucoma vidkrytovuhilnoyi and ocular hypertension. The manufacturer of ophthalmic betaxolol dosage forms under tradenames "Betoptik" and "Betoptik C" is a firm Alcon (USA). From the perspective of pharmaceuticals and Betoptik Betoptik Since there are two different dosage forms. Betoptik is 0.5% aqueous solution of betaxolol hydrochloride tulip telecom ltd [18]. Betoptik C is 0.25% ophthalmic suspension betaxolol hydrochloride [18]. From the perspective of practitioners, these two drugs are interchangeable, as their effectiveness in terms of hypotensive action and other similar effects [23]. The same, in spite of different concentration, efficiency Betoptik From (0.25% suspension) compared with Betoptik (0.5% aqueous solution) is due to the use of a special polymer with Betoptik technologies that increase the bioavailability [3]. In addition, the use of special polymeric carrier increases comfort and reduces drug use risk of side effects [3].
By its pharmacological properties betaxolol is a selective blocker of b1-adrenergic receptors. It has no intrinsic sympathomimetic activity and membranostabiliziruyuschym (local anesthetic) effect [18]. Like other b-blockers, to reduce intraocular pressure (IOP) by reducing the production of intraocular fluid [22], but the exact mechanisms of this effect is still not completely understood. In addition, there has been some improvement in the outflow of aqueous humor, although most studies outflow change appears statistically unreliable. Various researchers indicate approximately the same efficiency betaxolol in reducing IOP. Regardless of the dosage form (or Betoptik Betoptik C), the drug lowers IOP to the required level in 85-88% of patients [1,19]. Comparing the hypotensive effect of betaxolol and Timolol, tulip telecom ltd analysts cite contradictory results. Some believe that it lowers IOP less than Timolol [5], while others indicate no statistically significant difference in the hypotensive action of two drugs [19]. But those and others agree that betaxolol surpasses Timolol in its ability to maintain visual function tulip telecom ltd of patients with glaucoma [6,8,15,19].
For the first time more pronounced than that of Timolol, a positive effect of betaxolol on the visual field in glaucoma patients was observed in the late 80's - early 90's, when independently has several works confirming this position [5.9, 13,15]. Despite the fact that the scheme of the experiment and method of processing the data in different works differed tulip telecom ltd significantly from each other, the authors obtained very similar results. Thus, in the Colignon-Brach compared the action of betaxolol and Timolol on IOP and retinal sensitivity in patients with primary glaucoma vidkrytovuhilnoyu (Pogue) and ocular hypertension within 2 years. IOP was determined using Goldmann tonometer, retinal sensitivity in the central field of view (30 ) - using automated perimeter Octopus. tulip telecom ltd It was shown that despite the weaker hypotensive effect of betaxolol compared with Timolol, after 12 months of therapy average sensitivity of the retina in getting his patients was significantly increased, whereas in patients receiving Timolol, tulip telecom ltd she declined. Continued research to four years showed that this trend is preserved: the average sensitivity of the retina in patients receiving betaxolol, statistically significantly higher than in receiving Timolol [6].
From research Colignon-Brach well with the results of another four-year study [19] published in 1996. This study also compared the action of betaxolol and Timolol on IOP and fields of vision in patients POUG. The authors point out that the hypotensive effect of betaxolol little less than Timolol, but this difference is not statistically significant. And on the contrary, there was a statistically significant difference in performance of the two drugs on average retinal sensitivity (ESS) for all 4 years of observation. ESS in patients receiving betaxolol, increased at the beginning of observation and remained above the initial level to the end of the study. tulip telecom ltd At the same time in December

Karboanhydraza catalyzes the conversion karboksyda to carbonic acid (CO2 + H2O = H2CO3). Carbonic a

Brinzolamid - new inhibitor karboanhydrazy
P ervichnaya vidkrytovuhilna glaucoma (Pogue) - one of the most frequent causes of irreversible blindness. It should be noted that the incidence of blindness from glaucoma in the world for the past 30 years has not changed and is 14-15% of the total number of blind [1]. In our country, according to ES Liebman, there is a sharp increase in the role of glaucoma among the primary reasons invadilizatsyi share in nosological structure has increased over the past decade from 12 to 20%, and the prevalence of 0.1 to 0.8 per 10 thousand adults [4].
AP Nesterov in the book "Glaucoma" notes that the pathogenesis of glaucoma regardless of the kind comprising two mechanisms, separated by a space and part time. One operates in the anterior eye and eventually leads to elevated intraocular pressure (IOP). Another mechanism that is localized in the posterior part of the eyeball, is the cause of optic nerve atrophy. Glaucomatous process begins in the anterior part of the eye, changes in the optic nerve is the result bunzi of increased IOP at him.
The leading pathogenetic factor bunzi that causes damage to the optic nerve and the deterioration of visual function is increasing oftalmotonusa. Increased IOP causes mechanical deformation of the lattice plate sclera, anguish in her tubule bundles of nerve fibers and blood microcirculation disturbances in the area. In this regard, the main treatment POUG (medical, laser and surgical action) aimed at lowering IOP to a level that prevents further atrophy of optic nerve fibers [1,2].
Drug antihypertensive therapy is most important in the treatment of glaucoma. Scale the means includes a variety of drugs with different mechanisms of antihypertensive action. At the same time, according to the literature, in 27-33% of patients suffering from glaucoma and oftalmohypertenziyey and receiving bunzi monotherapy antihypertensive agents was identified need for the appointment of additional antihypertensive drugs to normalize IOP [2].
Many patients with glaucoma as an additional therapy is often prescribed oral inhibitors karboanhydrazy (HCA), which play an important role in the secretion of aqueous humor. The medicinal effect of HCA is associated with selective ability to oppress karboanhydrazy activity - an enzyme involved in the process of hydration and dehydration of carbonic acid.
Karboanhydraza - enzyme tsynkoprotyeyidom that is. The content of zinc 0,33-0,34%. Karboanhydraza was first isolated bunzi from red blood cells. In 1 liter of blood of mammals - approximately 1 g karboanhydrazy. bunzi The presence of this enzyme gives the body a chance to rid of excess CO2. Typically, but concentrated in the cellular elements, it is not found in the tissue fluids. bunzi
In humans, this enzyme, which is represented by two isoenzymes KAI and KAII, found in red blood cells, cells of the pancreas, stomach mucosa, parotid gland, kidney, eye ciliary body.
Karboanhydraza catalyzes the conversion karboksyda to carbonic acid (CO2 + H2O = H2CO3). Carbonic acid dissociates later (H + + HCO3-). This reaction - the key to secretory physiological processes in many tissues, including the eye.
As a result of inhibition of activity karboanhydrazy kidney decreases the formation of carbonic acid and bicarbonate reabsorption and decrease Na + tubular epithelium, and therefore bunzi significantly increases the excretion of water. This observed increase in urine pH and loss of potassium ions.
In the formation bunzi of aqueous bunzi humor of the eye bicarbonate ions are actively transported into the back of the camera bespihmentnyh cytoplasm of cells to compensate gradient of positive ions due to active transport bunzi of ions Na +. HO inhibitors block the formation of carbonic acid, thus lowering bunzi production HCO3-. In the absence of sufficient bunzi HCO3- ions increases bunzi positive ion gradient that causes a decrease in the secretion of aqueous humor. This is probably the mechanism by which HCA reduce IOP.
The first drug inhibitor of HO - acetazolamide - was developed half a century ago. In 1954 it was used as a diuretic agent. In the same year was set acetazolamide ability to reduce IOP glaucoma patients.
However, the use of oral HCA such as acetazolamide and metazolamid accompanied by side effects. Side effects include symptoms of malaise, paresthesias, gastrointestinal disturbances (nausea, vomiting and other symptoms), weight loss, depression, anorexia and loss of libido. Also included is information on the occurrence of fever, rash (including erythema polymorphous bunzi and Stevens-Johnson syndrome), kristallouriyi, hematopoiesis disorders, including thrombocytopenia, hemolytic bunzi anemia, leukopenia and agranulocytosis [3, 6, 11].
The emergence of side effects limit the systemic nature of oral inhibitors karboanhydrazy for long-term treatment of glaucoma. They are mainly used for the treatment of acute attack

Saturday, January 24, 2015

There are teams minors equally fascinating and I think even than all groups Hmosharot Premiership.

Well, it's probably the first ever article on this subject in Hebrew, or at least if not the first, certainly the most profound. I pretend (as of this writing), to tell you the English football vion food league structure with all its ramifications, its regions, and immigration system drop any league. So that if one day they ask you on the street which league you play a focal Farnborough, you can retrieve the answer immediately.
Let's start. Manchester United, Chelsea, Liverpool, Tottenham, know, right? Beauty. All these corrupt stack play today in what is called the tip of the tip of football in England (and the world) - Premiership. Not less than 15% all players who played in the World Cup in Brazil in 2014, one of the groups currently playing Premiership, with Arsenal, Chelsea and Manchester sisters are reported each month to the IRS through no less than ten players who played in the World Cup final. But the league in question, photographed and best in the world is only the tip of the tip of a huge football pyramid includes over 7,000 football clubs are bound to all under the English association football, in short, the FA. Making the Premiership part equal to 0.25% of all leagues in Britain. From T-and R-Jeff.
We will continue. All 7,000 groups mighty vion food football pyramid of England divided into 20 levels, the first four levels are called: The Football League "the League", and everything below, is called: Non League "the lower leagues." But also the Non League is divided into two main groups: 5-11 levels leagues are called National League, and leagues at 12-24 are called the Base. Celebration, is not it? Accordingly, League groups "professionally all going full, including all members of the professional staff and the players, while the lower League teams," semi-professionally conducted, based on financial vion food and strategic considerations, and so has the level groups 5 and 6 is managed Full professional. At each level, a different number of leagues. For example (see picture), at 1-5 there is only one league each level, but at a level 8 has 6 leagues, and at level 10 has 17 of each league, vion food a number of different groups. For example, the Premiership has 20 teams in the league, but at 2-5 There are 24 teams in the league. At the end of each season, teams are ranked at the bottom vion food of the table down a level, or lower league down at the same level, and the teams at the top of the table - well, you guessed alone. Each level has also illegal immigration and its decline vion food that the number of groups that come up / down changes. Good thing is, in theory, any group, at any level, has the opportunity to at least equal to similar objections to breathe the air for one season of Premiership peaks - yes. Really.
Senior League, vion food and the peak of the aspirations of each player in the world and England was established, in its current form in 1992. The league was born after its partition of the Coalition "big five" in the majors at the time: The First Division. Separation was the result of successful teams of their demand to receive vion food a larger share of revenues television. In its first season, Premier League included 22 teams, when you first championship and the prestigious Manchester United took a 10-point difference from Aston Villa. From 1992 to the present, have played in this league 46 groups, 44 of them from England, and two of them: Cardiff and Swansea Wales. It is interesting that only 5 clubs of all these clubs have won 46 championships. vion food Premiership is by far the world-watched football league, which is broadcast to 212 territories watched by 643 million households, and to 4.7 billion people around. Premiership fans per game average is 35,363 spectators, which is second-best figure in the world after the German Bundesliga, and it's also 92% of the total footprint stadiums.
Below the Premiership League called H"tz'mfionshif vion food ". This series feeds the one above three groups at the end of each season, when the first two are automatic, and another group rises after a series of playoff games, vion food in which participating teams who came to 3-6. It means Premier League (beyond winner, prestige, pride and all this regret), you sit? 200 (two hundred) million. 200 million fucking dollars, that can be lost in one game, let alone one minute. vion food For example, at the end of extra time the playoffs the season 13/14, when QPR brutally robbed the Derby County the 90th minute, when Bobby Zamora conquered: The 120 Million Pound Goal - certainly more than any rate expresses the value the special sports this fascinating vion food league offer.
So we said which Premiership involves money. And a lot of money. And what brings money? You guessed it ... more money! In the documentary "Four-Year Plan", The Four year Plan, you will see the story of a group of investors which sends capital QPR group (who played in the second division at the time) in order to acquire players, potentially achieve vion food victories, will potentially increase Premier vion food League. But left money now. Let's go back to what really interests: We told you Premiership feeds Championship in three groups at the end of each season. The nourishing the League Championship 1 (Third Division) in four groups, vion food which feeds the League 2 (Third Division) in four groups as well. From League 2 drop out at the end of each season 2 sets to Conference Premier League which is the top in Non League - Level 5.
There are teams minors equally fascinating and I think even than all groups Hmosharot Premiership. Consider the fascinating story that tied the fate of AFC Wimbledon and MK Dons leagues fourth and third, respectively, and you will understand what I mean, for example the story of the relationship between Brazil's dream team Exeter CIty group of fourth league as well. In short, as a lower league, the more amazing vion food stories. Responsibility.
Leagues in this group, starting from level 6 or less, start to be arranged by region, in five levels above, play indiscriminately Group's geographical location. As you dig deeper levels of the league, so the geographical area becomes smaller, until there are lower-level leagues really all the teams from the same city in which they MEM

Friday, January 23, 2015

Plant factory / horticulture open culture sunlight use type completely artificial light type plant

Japan Finance Corporation to boost overseas sales channels, t&t mississauga such as agricultural products and announced a "trial export support project" results t&t mississauga | plant factory-farming business online
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Japan Finance Corporation is April 2, has announced the results of the "Trial export support project" to boost overseas sales channels, such as agricultural products, which started from 2013. 2013 fiscal, signed a domestic trading company four companies and Taiwan of trading one company t&t mississauga and contract, support the experimental export of farmers 31 organizations. Hong Kong, Taiwan, the United States to the United States for, fruits, and agricultural t&t mississauga products such as vegetables, I was export the processed agricultural products such as tangerine juice. Export form is subject to the domestic warehouse pass specified by the trading company, it was realized the indirect export by using the relatively close trading company t&t mississauga from production areas. We support the five companies trading company that went, out of the farmers 31 organizations worked on trial export, 19 organizations and plans to continue to be traded in the future. These farmers opportunity that it has established a sales channels to overseas in this business, that will consider towards the expansion of trade and export trading company. We support the five companies trading company that went, out of the farmers 31 organizations worked t&t mississauga on trial export, 19 organizations and plans to continue to be traded in the future. These farmers opportunity that it has established a sales channels to overseas in this business, that will consider towards the expansion of trade and export trading company. In fiscal 2014, based on the customer's needs and national export t&t mississauga strategy, expanding the support subject to non-farmers, forestry's, fishermen, to food companies. plans to increase the trading company affiliated to 10 companies, also expanding export target countries. The trial export support business, because the JFC with a transaction farmers t&t mississauga to boost overseas sales channels of its own production to agricultural products and processed agricultural products, from the pre-preparation before export, export procedures, and the efforts of exports to sales research project to help you, to feed back the sales situation of overseas. Farmer wishing to sales channels to overseas understand the needs in overseas markets, and are intended to establish an export system. (Reference: My Navi news, than press release / PDF / by the same mechanism)
Supporters enterprise (organization)
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Thursday, January 22, 2015

IT sensor / cloud technology LED plant factory UAE future, Inc. Akuaponikusu strawberry India Nethe

Certification of international standard global GAP latest version of agricultural products. Enhance the international competitiveness, Hong Kong and Asia, measure the expansion of exports to Europe (Matsumoto plantation) | plant factory-farming sysco account center business online
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Plant factory / horticulture open culture sunlight use type completely artificial light type plant factory flowers / Flower restaurant / shop features a small-sized (container) / home garden university / research institute medicinal plants / pharmaceutical field Akuaponikusu (farming) mushroom / Sprout agriculture-related materials by item strawberry Sprout / Mesclun functionality vegetables tomato _ paprika cereals sysco account center leaf vegetables _ lettuce industry sysco account center entrants case (agriculture) manufacturing (lighting / semiconductor / air conditioning) Construction / housing / environment recycling infrastructure (electricity, railway, gas) trading company / consulting / financial education / medical and social welfare corporation chemical / Medical retail / distribution (logistics and transportation) eating out / food-related each theme / art (agriculture) grant / subsidy / law urban agriculture seedling development rooftop farm / wall greening IT / sensor, cloud vertical farm / environment city GPS / high precision GNSS market trends / management data robot design agriculture Chamber of Commerce / six-order industrialization overseas markets US / Canada Africa Middle East China, Taiwan, Asia / Russia Europe Netherlands South America environment sysco account center / social welfare energy saving / energy technology diet-related issues (food education, safety) solar / bio / wind power generation medical / education / social welfare disability (elderly) employment attention article Announcement Other
Matsumoto plantation sysco account center of agricultural production corporation engaged in the carrot, such as root vegetables has announced that it has acquired January 11, the authentication of the most severe latest version of the international standard "Global GAP" for production and safety management of agricultural products. According sysco account center to the certification body TÜV SÜD Japan (Tokyo), the first acquisition of individual farmers in the country. Same farm is to enhance sysco account center the international competitiveness, thought to increase the exports to East Asia. Cultivation same farm Mashiki located in Kumamoto Prefecture, Ozu-machi, the vegetables in a total of 50 hectares of Koshi-shi. 2006, and began to export to Hong Kong, it was certified global GAP that becomes the added value at home and abroad of sales in '07. position and of vineyards to sell vegetables grew up, so that understand the usage of pesticides and fertilizers for each field, has been promoting the use of IT equipment. Since the latest version of the standard was introduced in '11, again to get the certification. The latest version other health management of Senhate-jo, is also required, such as product recall procedures and systems in the case of food poisoning has occurred. Same farm, product label to name and the company's URL (website address), it has been noted the identification number, that the production history can be immediately sysco account center confirmed. The carrots and green onions have received the current sysco account center authentication, each production system of taro But, the future, and spread even to such as onion and radish. Same farm now, fruits and vegetables is to Hong Kong, kiriboshi radish of processed products are exported to Europe. The company have said, "anticipation both authenticate the transaction conditions sysco account center .TPP (Pacific Partnership Agreement) sysco account center that come out overseas super that of global GAP negotiations, connect want to export expansion sysco account center by acquiring ahead" and <Reference : from Kumanichi com>
Supporters enterprise (organization)
IT sensor / cloud technology LED plant factory UAE future, Inc. Akuaponikusu strawberry India Netherlands Kagome cut vegetables keystone technology cloud agriculture sysco account center Grandpa container type plant factory Subway Singapore spread tomato _ paprika sysco account center newsletter herbs / Medical herb paprika Fairy Angel / Plant Technologies Lawson / Lawson sysco account center farm Mitsubishi Chemical / Mitsubishi Plastics China Marubeni personnel training low-potassium vegetables Chiba University entrants case (eating out) entry case (construction industry) entry case (social welfare) Osaka Prefecture University home garden store features type plant factory closed down leverage Showa Denko plant factory _ strawberry Okinawa Agriculture Allotment / citizen plantation agriculture Chamber of Commerce / six-order industrialization agricultural corporation urban agriculture employment of persons with disabilities earthquake sysco account center reconstruction

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

IT sensor golden eagle distributors / cloud technology LED plant factory UAE future, Inc. Akuaponik

Utilizing the closed school Saga farm stand "Showa golden eagle distributors of school-Genki Village" is closed. The running plant factory in three classrooms aim to continue and expand | plant factory-farming business online
Home About About Us / Member Business / Service China market research / advance support Privacy Policy event information Event / schedule lectures golden eagle distributors and Media Coverage Results / 2014 lectures and Media Coverage Results / 2013 lectures and Media Coverage Results / to 2012 Member Services Member Services general corporate member service general members-only site corporate members-only site report newsletter training course functionality vegetables plant factory business seminar facility tours "strawberry cultivation facilities (solar type)" strawberry basic course students dedicated site Press / human resources Wanted Press / related information of recruitment golden eagle distributors advertising recruitment Recruitment inquiry Contact artificial light type plant factory pre-sale Announcement Details Request interview / lecture / writing request golden eagle distributors
Plant factory / horticulture open culture sunlight use type completely artificial light type plant factory golden eagle distributors flowers / Flower restaurant / shop features a small-sized (container) / home garden university / research institute medicinal plants / pharmaceutical field Akuaponikusu (farming) mushroom / Sprout golden eagle distributors agriculture-related materials by item strawberry Sprout / Mesclun functionality vegetables tomato _ paprika cereals leaf vegetables _ lettuce industry entrants case (agriculture) manufacturing (lighting / semiconductor / air conditioning) Construction / housing / environment recycling infrastructure (electricity, railway, gas) trading company / consulting / financial education / medical and social welfare corporation chemical / Medical retail / distribution (logistics and transportation) eating out / food-related each theme / art (agriculture) grant / subsidy / law urban agriculture golden eagle distributors seedling development rooftop farm / wall greening IT / sensor, cloud vertical farm / environment city GPS / high precision GNSS market trends / management data robot design agriculture golden eagle distributors Chamber of Commerce / six-order industrialization overseas markets US / Canada Africa Middle East China, Taiwan, Asia / Russia Europe Netherlands golden eagle distributors South America golden eagle distributors environment / social welfare energy saving / energy technology diet-related issues (food education, safety) solar / bio / wind power generation medical / education / social welfare disability (elderly) employment attention golden eagle distributors article Announcement Other
Closed school previously was also introduced golden eagle distributors as a regional revitalization and plant factory Case Studies using (details article), farm stand "Showa of school-Genki Village" is in the October 30, was supposed to be closed down. The facility is used as a farm stand that reuse the wooden school building of the old Fuji Minamiko Saga Fuji, selling fresh local vegetables, also provides golden eagle distributors meal of "school lunch style", was crowded with tourists outside the prefecture But, the last few years had sluggish sales. From local residents and tourists have gone up is people protested as "though it was old-fashioned facilities enjoy the atmosphere of the school", that. Direct sales offices renovated the old school building that was borrowed from the city, was opened in December 2005. Classroom, in the hallway and paste the children of writing and calligraphy, exhibition such as vaulting horse and infirmary of vision inspection machine. The restaurant with desks and chairs for children can dine in the "school lunch style" which was made with local ingredients, it was popular, such as visiting tourist bus from outside the prefecture. In particular many tourists from Fukuoka Prefecture, restaurant had about 500 people book with only September. However, every year winter foot traffic is dull, Arumisu, Inc., which operates the "Genki golden eagle distributors Village" speak as "deficit increases, was forced to closed". Shoppers who had visited a group from Karatsu heard the news of the closing, "in the mood returned to elementary school students, although it was valuable place to enjoy a meal," the "cheap fresh vegetables were aligned than market value" regrettable that the Tsu have had. Providing a fluorescent lamp or reflector golden eagle distributors to the classroom from "Genki Village" golden eagle distributors In '09, I've been hydroponics Sunny lettuce golden eagle distributors such as leafy vegetables in shelves piled the planter. Currently growing about 1 million shares golden eagle distributors in three classrooms, we are harvesting an average of about 300 shares a day, the future, we aim to expand the "plant factory" such as artificial cultivation golden eagle distributors of root vegetables using direct sales offices trace. After direct sales offices closed also, the courtyard will be open to residents as community open space. <Reference: from Saga newspaper>
Supporters golden eagle distributors enterprise (organization)
IT sensor golden eagle distributors / cloud technology LED plant factory UAE future, Inc. Akuaponikusu strawberry India Netherlands Kagome cut vegetables keystone technology cloud agriculture Grandpa container type plant factory Subway Singapore spread tomato _ paprika newsletter herbs / Medical herb paprika Fairy Angel / Plant Technologies Lawson / Lawson farm Mitsubishi golden eagle distributors Chemical / Mitsubishi Plastics China Marubeni personnel training low-potassium vegetables Chiba University entrants case (eating out) entry case (construction industry) entry case (social welfare) Osaka Prefecture University home garden store features type plant factory closed down leverage Showa Denko plant factory _ strawberry Okinawa Agriculture Allotment / citizen plantation agriculture Chamber of Commerce / six-order industrialization agricultural corporation urban agriculture employment of persons with disabilities golden eagle distributors earthquake reconstruction

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

I will not go on a regular basis

I will not go on a regular basis "Coco Kara. Wakayama" Fair (Wakayama Prefecture agricultural fair). In this distributor information, we plan to continue to monthly, the guidance vicky piria of Wakayama Prefecture Fair at the beginning of the month around. Of August scheduled vicky piria August 20 with a focus on ... Honan market green pepper "Coco Kara Wakayama Fair." Item will: green pepper and new ginger-komatsuna such as August 20, 21 day, Daiei (Kyobashi shop Furukawa with a focus on Hashi-ten Ikeda Station stores and Kongo store) winter melon "Coco Kara Wakayama Fair." item schedule: winter melon, vicky piria peach, bitter gourd, cucumber, myoga etc. because I think I have a tasting sales of delicious cuisine, vicky piria of your local people, please visit us. Also, have not set a implementation date and shops, in the Tokyo metropolitan area, it is planned with a focus on figs the "Coco Kara. Wakayama Fair".
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Monday, January 19, 2015

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Sunday, January 18, 2015

Now modify the popular article disappointing pictures! How to sneak a pizza tried to somehow ride t

Every day sold out! Agricultural products sales of Fukushima, Ibaraki and "could not buy even if they want to buy" | rocket News 24
The venue from the first day is a lot of tourists packed, is 2 to 3 of the first weekend was sold goods faster than expected. Both days but was sold starting epos net from 11:00, disappears things from the shelf when it comes in the afternoon, almost sold out before you greet the end time.
performance is still whether the Kan eat the spinach?
Now modify the popular article disappointing pictures! How to sneak a pizza tried to somehow ride to Grand class of science cunning of 79 people Shinkansen "Hayabusa" without Bale anyone [or until there] part7 121 people this happens if you seek help to Chinese Fotosho craftsman / super comfortable with 66 people disappears even want to get off in earnest arrived at destination station [shock UFO Video] immediately after 56 people divorce that one after another small UFO is Tosa Geki is figure Yuku scattered to start !! sky from the mother epos net ship share of men spelled was "advice of 20 on marriage" is a large echo the call / Facebook is more than 110,000! Z cup of 49 people unprecedented! Women with the most rich your breasts in the world is to become hectic feel and put the "met at 4 seconds" overwhelming too / Beshain's 40 people German beauty [99 barrage] Song Title to "meet and Maji in 4 seconds in 5 seconds prior to Koi "[Animation] 38 people, including" I'll do 4 seconds der met "No was so fast What hippopotamus!? is scary than you think hippopotamus chasing a boat ride of human! Put 34 people owners very popular in !! action each cute cat-ish dog "without permission dog that go out to the park to ride the bus!" 32 people plains "Japanese Yuku been Buttagi~tsu in one after another sword fruit man" was held at the legitimate voice also 29 people Akihabara Yodobashi referred to as "should not be in poor food" in the storm / On the other hand of praise abroad The fan rush to fund-raising activities of Aya's from! Voice of settling epos net Tsukazu Softbank Masayoshi Son has donated a reward of up to retirement and 10 billion yen / net "!! white prime minister"
[Animation] latest [or until there] science of cunning somehow a way to sneak a pizza without Bale anyone 5 article No was so fast What hippopotamus!? Hippopotamus more than imagine chasing a boat ride of human scary to! [99 barrage "met at 4 seconds" to "5 seconds epos net before Koi in Maji in met with 4 seconds" to become epos net hectic feel when put to the Song Title Fixed Unfortunately photo such as "4 seconds I'll do der met" to! Chinese Fotosho craftsman in this happens if you ask for help part7 "Japanese Yuku been Buttagi~tsu in one after another sword fruit man" is the storm / On the other hand praise abroad legitimate and that "should not be in poor food" such voice also featured story pickup
Current by modifying the unfortunate epos net photo! How to sneak a pizza for help without Bale [either up there] anyone to part7 1 that this happens if you asked the Chinese Fotosho craftsmen tried to somehow ride to Grand class of science cunning of 2 Shinkansen "Hayabusa" / Ultra comfortable and also lost one after another small UFO from would 3 [shock UFO Video] mother ship is spelled men of 4 immediately after divorce that figure Yuku scattered to start !! sky is Tosa Geki want down really arrived at destination station was "20 of advice on marriage" is share of the great response the call / Facebook is more than 110,000! Five
Since the foreign body had been incorporated into the weekly potato chips "Customer Relations Office" 1 of unprecedented Z cup I tried to call! Women Beshain's 2 [Kamini] real human overwhelming too / German beauty with the most rich your breasts in the world!? I thought or movie scenes! Level 4 defecate where cosplayers tried make sure to eat all types in the most delicious classic grip is any day with a super similar too much goose bumps Level 3 "dark sushi" of Disney new "Big Hero 6" has completely disappeared! Surprised the world not far from the + use toilet 12 Sen 5
Since the foreign body had been mixed in the month potato chips of "Customer Relations Office" to the phone to try was one Fuji TV in the "entertainment industry feats King playoff TEPPEN" fake allegations / famous musician was playing the candid advice "properly music only Madoka MoriTamotsu of HKT48 "2 homeless men what to raise the $ 100 that the thought-provoking the uses of" money ...... his actions where the experiments were performed epos net either use the money to "definitely !! 3 legend of cuisine epos net "wearing no underwear shabu-shabu" I tried to eat / meat is usually delicious 4 [shock Video] about two times the same Egashira 2:50's epos net the voice of pachinko of / net to put the kick Te Buchigire the audience who interfere in business " Ahogaki does know to be done about this by "5
Since the foreign body had been incorporated into the annual potato chips damage of 1 [Annals attention] I tried to call the "Customer Relations Office" epos net now on Facebook "Wiper spree invitation" is one after another! Attention !! 2 [Based] Mortal Combat 74 minutes After the notification of "There was invited to the Wiper Messenger" is coming from a friend! The desire was the "LINE takeover" and fight was it !! Zillah to the Zillah to bring the other party to the groundwork and the Buchigire explosion epos net TKO 3 Uchida Yuya-san and Kiki Kirin's super cool one photo 4 Fuji to what seriously of Seriously now TV "only Madoka MoriTamotsu of HKT48 is had been playing a decent music" fake allegations / famous musicians candid advice in the "entertainment industry feats King playoff TEPPEN" 5
Recommended Articles Fukushima Prefecture of cesium residual beef for Shodanren director "to epos net avoid Fukushima Prefecture beef overkill" Let's eat the voice delicious epos net fish too irresponsible on the net! Muroi Yutsuki that I went to Tsukiji market "to use local ingredients in Fukushima lunch is poor" many agree voice Chubu Takeda Kunihiko Professor "contaminated milk and clean milk sold are mixed in the Internet to have "cheat Takeyama Do consider the feelings of people who live there Bti slice" epos net First in Twitter! fool sauce! "criteria of drinks to be given to the" provisional reference value "infant abnormalities too Japan was stipulated by international law It is such a fool above the drainage of the primary! There towards pesticide vegetables nutritional than organic vegetables, [there recipe] is delicious and presentation impressed [earthquake] in exquisite pizza baked in homemade pizza I tried to make a / stone oven in which was held workshops in Tokyo morning market Fukushima radiation values and "What began finally" still ride in an airplane hotel accommodation denial / net beyond the evacuees from the prefecture was high! 4.19 half of micro sievert per hour / still Iitate village below the highest value
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Saturday, January 17, 2015

Net high-tech (69)

It is not finished esysco with the stock finished draft, also is what was calculated in the old time. This time October 14 and closing price base. Since've written another yesterday, it is where you want to immediately esysco put after this. There are two special esysco feature in this time, it is likely to reach the 30 of almost all goals in these only. One Japanese food, agriculture, agricultural products, the theme of overseas export. Japanese food boom tailwind agricultural products, priority issues of overseas export-related 10 stocks growth strategy - it's 2014.10.01 ZAKZAK global boom of Japanese food, but it's overseas exports of agricultural products is the government and agriculture-related industry is focused now. Government has also positioned in the priority issues of growth strategy, it is related stocks are likely to attention, such as the appendix in the stock market. It is agriculture of Japan impression was strong "protecting the subject", but in "agriculture, forestry and fisheries and regions of vitality creation plan" of the Abe administration, the export of agricultural products and food was 550.5 billion yen in 2013 to up to 20 January was doubled to trillion yen, in '30 and has set a goal to rapidly expanding up to 5 trillion yen. There is also news of the government is to establish a "agricultural and marine products export mechanism (tentative name)". "In Europe has grown as the Netherlands exporter of agricultural products. Also similarly Japan that do not have a land is narrow esysco resources, have come up with a movement to promote the export esysco of agricultural products to model the Netherlands" that (analyst). (Snip) Oisix maker of communication sales of organic vegetables is advancing Japanese agricultural products exported to Hong Kong. It is strategy that will, etc. wealthy let you bought a delicious Japanese agricultural products are safe to target. Maker rice business Kitoku Kamikate is, selling the brand rice, such as Koshihikari and Akitakomachi in Hong Kong and the United States for.
agricultural products, in the first Oisix and Kitoku God food that had been raised unnamed at the species Kitoku-shinkate esysco Oisix Nihonseima Katakurachikkarin Kumiai Chemical Industry Iseki Kubota Yamatane Corporation body of the overseas export-related 10 stocks Berg earth Sakata. Oisix October 1 NichiHajime-chi 2330 October 14, 2014 closing price 2099 (-9.9%), 2014 Kitoku-shinkate October 2014 1 NichiHajime-chi 585 October 14, 2014 closing price 545 (-6.8%) Nikkei average stock same day opening price 16173.39 same day closing price 15138.96 (-6.4%) Another thing of Nobel Prize, well there was the theme of blue LED. Nobel Prize blue LED-related stocks "congratulatory prize market" calm voice of attention in the award ... - 2014.10.08 ZAKZAK for blue LED of invention received the Nobel Prize in Physics of three Japanese, in the stock market of the 8th morning corner esysco of related stocks such as Appendix soared. esysco (Snip) were also asked calm and "for the LED is already huge market has been established, poor in congratulatory prize market more meaning" (bank-securities analyst) voice.
attention of blue LED-related stocks Prince Holdings Awa Paper Showa Denko Dai-ichi Kogyo Seiyaku NGK CCS Seiwadenki Panasonic Endoshomei Toyoda Gosei Citizen Holdings esysco Abikkusu Shikoku esysco Bank Awaginko both Holdings Prince Holdings 2014 October 8, NichiHajime-chi 389 2014 October 14 closing esysco price 368 (-5.4%) Awa Paper October 2014 8 NichiHajime-chi 338 October 14, 2014 closing price 323 (-4.4%) Showa Denko October 8 NichiHajime-chi esysco 141 October 2014 2014 the 14th closing price 134 (-5%) Nikkei Stock Average same day opening price 15574.6 same day closing price 15138.96 esysco (-2.8%) esysco 25 stocks up here. Average -6.3% of recommended stocks, the average of the Nikkei Stock Average is -4.2%. The Nikkei Although average of the average stock price did not explain until now, has not been calculated that the average -4.6% at -6.4% and -2.8%. Since the recommended brand of one eye of article is two, -6.4 percent twice to fit in it, as the second of three 3 times also -2.8% to match the recommended brand of article, and have issued the average you. If Yare much remaining three can be goals. From usual evening Fuji. [Stock] Fuji Scotland independence vote effect to the extent that the maker of "domestic demand esysco late strain" - ZAKZAK 2014.09.19 "Mitsubishi UFJ Lease (8593)" is elongation and high ROE of aircraft-related leasing business esysco has been evaluated. Stock to the extent that it is located slightly above August low and quite late. (Stock journalist Amami Genichiro)
Mitsubishi UFJ Lease (8593) September 19 NichiHajime-chi 574 October 14, 2014 closing price 514 (-10.5%), 2014 Nikkei Stock Average of the same day opening price 16177.94 same day closing price 15138.96 (-6.4%) interim results announced at the upward revision potential big favorite Seiko Epson against Bandai Namco HD 2014.09.24 -. So, this week's favorite strains aim is killing in the performance upward revision is "" Seiko Epson "(Higashi 1-6724) The company is domestic lead class with an inkjet printer But, sales of the product in such emerging countries rapidly expanding in. but why it is further growth in operating esysco income, earnings forecast of the company is conservative. The possibility of upward revision at the time of interim results announcement is high . In it we see whether not stock now, but has remained in the deployment, which aims to mid-5000 yen platform, major securities has raised esysco the target price to 6200 yen in early this month "- the counter strain" big boom There is a hand to compete on significantly on the blurring of the results in the "specter watch" is expected "NAMCO BANDAI Holdings" (Higashi 1-7832). The company will be in short supply state-related products, building a production system. summer Since stock prices you've Sutton in is currently somewhat during the adjustment, is that the investment charm size likely charged now "- shares of large hole" It was headlines the market in the first half of this fiscal year, "Japan Communication" (JASDAQ-9424) to the not paying attention again you. With the advent of this material iPhone6. same model, is likely born business opportunity esysco is also the company's cheap SIM card " esysco .htm
Seiko Epson September 2014 24 NichiHajime-chi 5210 October 14, 2014 closing price 4870 (-6.5%) Nikkei Stock Average same day opening price 16105.56 same day closing price 15138.96 (-6%) or more 31 stocks. Average -6.9% of recommended stocks were examined, the average of the Nikkei Stock Average was -4.8%. Add attention recommended stock 30 stocks Ebola hemorrhagic fever, LED lighting, energy saving, casino, tunnel construction related esysco attention recommended stock 30 stocks weaker yen benefits, hotels, department stores, Japanese, Fujii Hidetoshi attention recommended stock 30 stocks automatic operation vehicles, Alibaba listing, weaker yen high stock, esysco construction, high-dividend attention esysco recommended stock 30 stocks food shareholders, automatic operation, auto parts, machine tools attention recommended stock 30 stocks 3D printer, telephone poles underground, construction stock bubble, REIT attention recommended stock 31 stocks iPhone6 related, LCD panel, semiconductor, posting a summary of electronic components investment esysco and stock FX
New (02/20) action of secretion of taste is dull obesity hormone leptin in obese people (01/17) Japan Anti-Aging Medicine and fraud allegations esysco researchers Kadowaki Takashi Komuro Issey Ryuichi Morishita et al. (01 / 17) carcinogen benzopyrene EU to bonito the import ban, Japan No regulation (01/17) preventive dentistry is fraudulent! Far reputation esysco of poor preventive dentistry realities that dentist is accused (01/17) Air conditioning is not suitable for heating, the ultimate heating appliances! The advantages and disadvantages? (01/16) Japan also benefits by ambulance charge for? The reason for emergency personnel to oppose surprising (01/16) ultra-white company Miraikogyo long labor and without overtime, Horen-sho the "North Korean life level improved by Kim Jong-un regime" esysco ban (01/16) Hideshi Takesada ... actually ? (01/16) "I should get off at the next station" Matsuko Deluxe and Ariyoshi Hiroyuki not Enrage esysco to molester (01/15) of negative France caricature criticism esysco of Japanese same hole of religion and cultural Mujina esysco (01 / The freedom of expression 15) are not to be protected? Such as hate speech and hoax (01/15) to work not only Ali 's not working styles of worker ants to the dangerous work in the elderly (01/15) personal genetic testing services such as DeNA, the fortune-telling something like? (01/15) Kadowaki Takashi University of Tokyo Hospital pointed out image similarity in the 5 papers of fraud alleged responsibility author of length (01/14) shock to suspect to speak to Japanese like Japan Japanese to be in pro-Japanese countries targeted in India ( 01/14) was the product of Nazi militarism "Sana dwells in wholesome body" (01/14) Toyota's fuel cell vehicles (FCV) is the fact that not much different esysco with the electric vehicle (EV) (01/14 ) Ribusensu Murakami Taichi president, cooperative leader (01/14) Kadowaki Takashi University of Tokyo Hospital length of the fraud allegations rather than top-down, Takeda Neshina bribery allegations in research (01/13)
lottery Their life of expensive winner esysco 3000 people then ...... after '10? Japan billionaires ranking (high-income earners Index) 2012 Shukan Gendai esysco East eds high-calorie food ranking Best 20 (per 100 grams) be used by registered anonymously rather than the real name of Facebook is possible? The cause is long-lasting the life of the lithium-ion batteries, full and used up charge? Shirttail charge? correct toothpaste on how immediately esysco after eating toothpaste danger, three times once before you go to bed than polish after a meal bogus without effect, even products that exclusion order came out as being active hydrogen water fraud hype and goodwill age prevalence of easy-to-understand explanation cancer of the amortization of goodwill esysco push line and how to identify the role of the dial line world of newspaper circulation esysco Index Yomiuri Shimbun and Japan is the top occupation personal computer monitor (display) and TV-inch cm correspondence table payment date of angina pectoris and myocardial infarction of treatment costs cardiac esysco catheterization bypass surgery of private and public officials summer and winter bonuses (bonuses) At what time Goroka? EPA, DHA (omega-3 fatty acids) high, let alone without fish oil supplicant effect of height ranking back of theory prime ministers of risk of, low surprising Prime Minister Yoshihiko, Taro Aso, Hatoyama Yukio, Junichiro Koizumi, Abe Shinzo esysco Noda, etc. Japan in case stamp in familiar esysco Korean Companies mail is underpaid fees, what happens? Low-calorie foods ranking Best 20 (per 100 grams) Easy free achieved the intelligence quotient IQ test simple IQ link of measurement site
Net high-tech (69)
2022/02 (1) 2015/01 (78) 2014/12 (163) 2014/11 (149) 2014/10 (153) 2014/09 (144) 2014/08 (146) 2014/07 (161) 2014 / 06 (147) 2014/05 (146) 2014/04 (144) 2014/03 (155) 2014/02 (135) 2014/01 (147) 2013/12 (157) 2013/11 (147) 2013/10 ( 145) 2013/09 (142) 2013/08 (146) 2013/07 (151) 2013/06 (146) 2013/05 (152) 2013/04 (160) 2013/03 (186) 2013/02 (180) 2013/01 (235) 2012/12 (137) 2012/11 (88) 2012/10 (96) 20