Friday, January 30, 2015

Secondary glaucoma develops as a result of other diseases that lead to increased IOP, which also co

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Despite the fact that glaucoma is a fairly common disease, there are some species of which are extremely rare, but they also carry significant harm to human health, and specifically of the vision. Naturally, the quality of the treatment of glaucoma defined timely and complete diagnosis market basket massachusetts of the disease and treatments and varieties market basket massachusetts pathology.
Pigmentary glaucoma - a type of open-angle glaucoma, which is passed on hereditary lines often among men. We develop the disease at very early age (20 - 30), through which is quite a serious threat to the normal view. A special risk group is people with myopia, because their anatomical structure of the eye is particularly beneficial to the development of this pathology. This contributes to the concave shape of the iris, forming a wide angle. This leads to friction on the lens and iris pigment lesions that can clog the pores of the trabecular network, and it will certainly lead to increased IOP.
Secondary glaucoma develops as a result of other diseases that lead to increased IOP, which also contributes to optic nerve damage and vision loss. It occurs because of an eye injury, tumors, inflammation, and after long-term use of some medicinal drugs, such as steroids. psevdoeksfoliatyvnym glaucoma occurs after peeling flakes of tissue from the outer part of the lens. These microscopic particles going between the iris and the cornea leading to clogging of the drainage system of the eye, which also increases the pressure. It is this form often develops together with cataracts. market basket massachusetts
Iridokornealnyy endothelial syndrome actually consists of three separate pathologies: Chandler market basket massachusetts syndrome, iris nevus and progressive atrophy of the iris. Suffering from this disease often women 30 - 50 years, and its cause remains market basket massachusetts unidentified and. It is known that all patients were in the body of herpes simplex virus.
Neovaskulyarnuyu glaucoma occurs through the formation market basket massachusetts of blood vessels in the most pathological iris, as well as drainage channels. Its causes carotid artery occlusion is and central market basket massachusetts retinal vein and another prolyferatyvnaya diabetic market basket massachusetts retinopathy. It is of three kinds (rubeoz iris, secondary open-angle glaucoma and secondary type sinehialnaya closed-angle glaucoma) market basket massachusetts and very difficult to treat.

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