Saturday, January 3, 2015

To four hours woke me up Ziggy and Nushka, two Flemish, china anne mcclain rise which we agreed to

Manila took flight to Denpasar of Cebu Pacific. china anne mcclain rise This is the most popular low-cost company in the Philippines. I went to Java and Sumatra, but there was the flight more expensive. From Denpasar went west. From here onward journey took towards sunset. At the airport china anne mcclain rise in Denpasar earn one month Indonesian visa on the spot. Now it worth 35 dollars. Three months ago, when I came back on the same route, it was 25. I thought that two weeks is adequate for Java and Sumatra. It turned out that the time was insufficient even for Java. From the airport I took a ozhi (motorcycle taxi) to the bus station. From there, I went directly to the bus Probolingo, Java. The weather was very hot to stop, and I thought that bus will be much faster. Maybe wrong. Ramadan had just ended and patishtatata were congested and overcrowded buses. Indonesia is the largest Muslim country in the world, and the period after Ramadan is a period in which people traditionally travel to their native places to see and celebrate the holiday with relatives. Shamble we got to the ferry to Java. It howled huge queue of cars, buses and bikes. Several ferry trips between the two islands, but the influx was so great that last six hours before loading. It was dark. By ferry to see how Java constantly flying over fireworks in honor of the holiday. china anne mcclain rise Probolingo was no more than 200 kilometers, but the traffic was slow and only arrived at 2 am. In Probolingo had nothing much to do, but here avtobuschetata journeyed to Mount Bromo, a picturesque volcano last erupted china anne mcclain rise in 2011. On the bus I sat down to drink a tea to fight back from the epic journey. On the table sat a group of young musicians who played in ascending and bus stops. china anne mcclain rise Speaking to. Twinkle one of the guys offered me a drink from a small plastic china anne mcclain rise bottle. Was a brandy sour tropical taste. china anne mcclain rise A week later tried brandy made from snake fruit. Taste of snake fruit resembles both apple and lychee, and its skin like a snake skin, hence the name. Maybe it was the same snake brandy. Alcohol, the Koran says "do not drink anything that they drunk." This rather loosely message naturally different interpretations. In many places (North Africa, for example) Muslims do not touch alcohol, but at the expense of tearing to smoke hashish. Another more progressive interpretation is formulated so that the covenant allowed to drink alcohol as long as you do not get drunk. I think the guys were from progressive Indonesians. I gave sleep a few hours on a bench at the bus station in the morning and found the van to Mount Bromo. The van actually worked as a taxi and had a fixed price for the route, so we waited to ponapalnim. china anne mcclain rise Most were foreigners. Mikrobuscheto us down in a village outside the caldera. In the evening I went to the edge of the caldera where had breathtaking views. Plain to see the lunar landscape of Mount Bromo smoking, and behind china anne mcclain rise him he could see two or three larger volcano. I found a convenient place kampinguvane. It was almost 5:00 and dark. A tent, but it was still early to sleep. I looked at the third and final part of the Matrix - a brilliant film that asks many fundamental philosophical issues. The third part, however, was much more interesting than the front. While the first part sci action made in Holywood is cleverly china anne mcclain rise woven into the deep philosophical problems, the last part is left only the action and probably not the most original.
To four hours woke me up Ziggy and Nushka, two Flemish, china anne mcclain rise which we agreed to see the sunrise together. We went further up. Were already stretched local stalls which sold tea, coffee and snacks. Morning it turned cloudy. Rise was shrouded in fog and not much visible. china anne mcclain rise At one point, however, the nature decided to reward our almost sleepless night and the sky suddenly cleared. Front and below us is revealed the sight of smokers volcanoes. Deserved. Posnimahme and started down. I stopped to get my tent and Flemish went to see the volcano closely. I decided that I had seen enough and sat down to eat in the restaurant china anne mcclain rise of a grandmother. I soon saw that one mikrobusche for Probolingo filled with people and not long after, I was on my way. I went to Yogyakarta china anne mcclain rise (or as popular affectionately - Jogja), but Probolingo no direct bus. I caught the first one to Surabaya and from there to other Dzhogzha. The bus was very cheap - economy class, with five tightly packed row of seats (instead of the normal four) and packed to the brim with standing. china anne mcclain rise On the way back was full of traffic jams and this time we even crash. Crash actually is a strong word for light hanging with a car. However costing us about an hour wrangling between drivers. The police soon arrived and removed seemed

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