June 28, 2011 - Glaucoma - a group of severe eye diseases caused by an increased intraocular pressure. In glaucoma, enlarged and fixed pupil acquires the characteristic bluish-green tint. This fact gave the name of the disease: from the Greek "glaucoma" - bluish clouding of the lens of the eye. In German the same reason glaucoma called "green cataract." Today it is one of the most common ovations food services eye diseases that often leads to complete loss of vision.
Common to all types of glaucoma is elevated intraocular pressure (IOP). Normally it is 18-27 mm Hg, and glaucoma rises to 80. The disease can affect both eyes. IOP increases due to violation of the circulation of intraocular ovations food services fluid. Increased IOP leads to hypoxia and ischemia in the optic nerve. Compressed nerve fibers ovations food services deprived of food, atrophy and die, leading to tissue destruction retina and gradual loss of vision. If part of the optic nerve fibers able to avoid death by moving to a state parabyoza (decreased activity, "sleep between ovations food services life and death"), it is still possible to restore vision.
The causes that trigger the periodic or continuous increase in IOP can be set: heredity, individual characteristics anatomy of the eye, cardiovascular, endocrine or nervous system, leading to disruption of the blood supply to the brain. Usually work has several factors that developed as a result of glaucoma.
For patient ovations food services age there are several main types of glaucoma. Congenital glaucoma is quite rare, in one case by 10-20 thousand. Newborns. The disease can develop if the I-II trimesters of pregnancy expectant mother pereboleet rubella, mumps, polio, syphilis, etc. Vitamin A deficiency, hyperthyroidism, excessive use of alcohol mother have risk factors for glaucoma in infants. At birth, diagnosed 60% of children with glaucoma, such children significantly increased the cornea or all of the eyeball (hydroftalm - eye edema, or buftalm ovations food services - bovine eyes). In other cases, congenital glaucoma appears to 3 years. Youth (juvenile glaucoma) - diagnosed between the ages of 3 and 35 years. Sometimes separately isolated infantile glaucoma (3 to 10 years). This rare disease. Most often it is caused by genetic disorders. Primary glaucoma adults - the most common form of the disease. Often glaucoma develops unnoticed by the patient. The main complaints: iridescent circles around lights, intermittent temporary blurred vision, pain in the brow area. As cell death in human retinal blind spot area is expanding, shrinking area of peripheral vision. Until such time as significantly ovations food services decreases visual acuity, ovations food services the disease is already in a difficult stage, the optic nerve is almost ovations food services completely atrophied. Adult Secondary glaucoma is caused by other eye diseases that lead to a breach of intraocular fluid circulation and, consequently, to an increase in IOP.
This condition can develop in nervous tension, fatigue, prolonged eye strain or working in the position of inclination of the head. The attack begins with bright circles around lights, headaches and pain in the eyes, blurred vision. IOP quickly rises to 60-80 mm, intraocular fluid circulation stops. The cornea becomes cloudy due to heavy swelling ovations food services that peredavlyuye optic nerves. It may develop nausea to vomiting, pain, smack in the heart. The front surface of the eye is red stood out from the vessel and becomes bluish. Pupil not reacting to light. When the feeling of eyes seems solid as a rock. Acute glaucoma attack requires immediate medical attention, otherwise the patient threatens irreversible loss of vision.
In the diagnosis of glaucoma primarily conducted intraocular pressure measurement: single and daily fluctuations in IOP (twice a day). In addition, the estimated figures vnutrihlaznichnoy outflow of fluid and limits the visual field (perimetry). To investigate the development of glaucoma and to assess the transaction is honioskopii method.
Glaucoma treatment has three main objectives: normalization of intraocular pressure - first priority; improve blood supply to the optic nerve of the eye and inner shells; normalization vnutrihlaznichnoy fluid exchange between tissues of the eye.
When glaucoma in any case not be prescribed a medication alone. Drugs that reduce ovations food services intraocular pressure, ophthalmologist selected individually for obligatory diagnostic tests. The response to the same drug can vary in different people, so you should just follow the doctor's recommendations and regularly visit him for re-examination.
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