Friday, January 9, 2015

As I said the unforgettable history epos orange teacher epos orange in primary school for every his

At the mention of those words one would waved and will condemn them as sectarian attempt to take their portion chemistry that makes life bearable and delicious; other otherwise despondent eyes sparkled with steel will shine bio-vegan radicalism and you will immediately jump to explain the differences. Third, the smallest part will remain calm at the mention of the code words and if they sense it, ie are beneficial for her health or of them suffer sensory pleasure it will begin to consume these products.
We are free to show any respect to this category of products and general way of life, clearly. Personally, I believe in pure food, wine and scenery, and recently, without specifically want it, I started working in this niche and get so that I think also not too much to want it gained impressions of people gravitating around the organic idea. And I found bothersome illiteracy in question. It is terrible on any matter right, but in this case it is coming from and why it is even more worrying. Bulgarians have long been inclined to treat the fungus feet with coffee and when his own knowledge oscillates between zero and zero and a half, it is a breeding ground for claims of almost every carrier unkempt clothes epos orange practicing yoga advocate of natural body odor, and do not forget - loving mountain - a self-proclaimed bio-guru.
As I said the unforgettable history epos orange teacher epos orange in primary school for every historical event has a cause and occasion. So I, I, and reason, and reason why I want to bring a little more light on the issue, epos orange but if you can not from the medieval candle of a concern, but from the solar panel of knowledge.
Work with wine and because epos orange my profession is a taster, not a trader, import wines with character and soul that does not cost three lev bottle. That is never going to get rich from this, 'cause I do not to table e.e that my guilt were such or onakiva. Alcohol there, and do so as cheaper. As a taster always look with argusovi eyes of all wine - new, old, modern, no longer fashionable, modern again, maybe tomorrow modern - and I have an opinion on almost every question. epos orange You opinion is like ass, everyone has one, here are my (f) t (o), though the professional epos orange (f) n (o) of biodynamic wines.
In our ... forget what's going on in our country at this stage. Biodynamics with a single exception, for its own use, I do not have. Organic wines are cheaper epos orange than normal in the portfolio of the cellars (unheard of in the world!) Or to perform any such legal unfinished, tormented-nedomacheni and eventually tortured many potions.
My first impressions of biodynamic wines were from Alsace, Switzerland and Austria while organic - from California. epos orange For many years and until recently they remained unchanged: decent epos orange wines, but you'll have much time to go from kindergarten environmental correctness and step into the world of sensuous expressiveness. And I get emotional at the sight of ladybirds in the grass between the rows of vines and umilyavam idea of how the two-year Leo fifteen years will care as grower seventh generation of these fertile and healthy lands, but organic wines have never been able to offer perfect balance in the manner epos orange and with the force with which they did their conventional counterparts. Many bio, ma little wine.
The first sign of change was when a few years ago one of the most successful winemakers from Austria I work with told me that it has begun the transition to biodynamic epos orange viticulture. Try to find some change, or God forbid, deterioration epos orange in the quality of his wines. epos orange Nothing like that. The second signal was when me ask to see one of the pioneers of Biodynamics in Austria, had a very bad experience with some Bulgarian partners, but he would not crossed Bulgaria, epos orange I had heard only good things. Biodynamic masochist, means even more interesting. Not the place here to comment wines will only say that I'm epos orange proud importer of biodynamic epos orange wines. epos orange And then what.
... A little below to follow explanations what is Biodynamics, bio and organic clash with my clerk in a small cute little shop for organic products in the city center, where I stopped to drink a cup of coffee. Bright, very nice and hell, the anti-alcohol shop, but not the way I am ("The dose makes the poison" epos orange and "Wine is a civilizing instrument"), and in the style of "anti-alcohol association since the beginning of the last century." I knew no sense, but cautiously asked if selling wine. Yes, sell wine cassis, was the answer, her fingers went to the bottom and hidden shelf, almost to the ground. Fainting muttered epos orange "ma this is not wine" - surprised look on her part. Tells me that one owner is very against alcohol epos orange (why does that not surprise me) and most importantly - the blame should not necessarily

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