Writing is not a mystical act, available for selected creative minority and methodical process shamrock foods that every diligent person can absorb. Can absorb it, because at the heart of writing stand some simple rules, available to any neplashliv and savvy person who wants to improve and open to new things. My goal in this series of essays to show the principles of successful writing. What writing is all about? I mean three types of writing: academic writing, creative writing and journalism. At first glance shamrock foods these look different genres, and this is so. However there are important points of contact between them, which I hope to show in this series. The first part mainly emphasized academic writing, and now comes to pay more attention to artistic writing. My main focus are the words, but I will focus and more general shamrock foods principles. The question that we seek to answer is: What is the "word" as he called Gustave Flaubert? Which words to choose, what to avoid? Which words does a nice style? Tips words
Brevity and clarity are the main virtues of style, so avoid unnecessary words. If anything can be said with fewer words without losing meaning, it is better to say with fewer words. For example: "He is the man who was elected." Against "He was elected." Clearing unnecessary words is like eradicate weeds, writes William Tsinsar, the author shamrock foods is always a little while back and clear them, new species appear (Zinsser 2001: 13). The author with the most refined style is Ernest Hemingway. His prose is direct, specific and full of nouns. It is raw, jewelery missing. His sentences are short and right on target. His dialogues sound unfeigned. His style is instantly recognizable. The author himself absorbed the principles of writing as a young reporter Manual newspaper Kansas City Star. Same principles, he recognizes as his: "Write short sentences, write short first paragraphs, use strong language, be positive, shamrock foods not negative." The latter principle will be explained below. Let us now illustrate the style of Hemingway short excerpt from "The Old Man and the Sea":
He always thought of the sea feminine. La mar, as people shamrock foods call it in Spanish when they love. Sometimes those who love him, to speak evil of him, but these words are always shamrock foods said as though the sea is a woman. Some of the younger fishermen - those tied to the ropes and buoys owned motorboats, bought when the liver of sharks worth a lot of money - called sea el mar, which is masculine. They looked upon him as a rival or locality, or even an enemy. But the old man always thought of the sea in the feminine as something generously makes or refuses great good; and if the sea raged and doing evil, it was because he could not do them. "Moon Her works act as a woman" - he thought. (Trans. D. Ivanov)
What kind of unnecessary words should be careful? To unnecessary words can be assigned: a complicated jargon, foreign words, clichés and others. According to Mark Twain even adjectives and adverbs in many cases unnecessary because not really describe things better if they are there. Therefore advises Mark Twain after writing a text to delete all adjectives and see how it will look. So we'll know what we can remove and which to leave. Beware quantitative adverbs as very little and others. shamrock foods They often bring valuable content and when it does, in fact have the opposite effect. What do you think is more powerful: "Many love you" or "I shamrock foods love you"? Adding the word "very" recognition okay stronger? On the contrary. Instead shamrock foods very little we can use comparisons or, if really necessary, units.
In other words, to avoid are repeatedly used words. In writing is needed freshness. Readers love to be surprised with unexpected choice of words. One of the 50 instruments of writing Roy Clark: "Play with words, even in serious stories. Choose words that the average writer avoids but the average reader understand ". Avoid complex and foreign words, if there is a suitable and simple shamrock foods local words. Unfortunately, readers of academic texts that advice is often overlooked in this genre.
In the search for the right words can start from the principle the more specific, the better. Avoid abstract language when possible, shamrock foods in the name of clear images that the reader can immediately imagine. Let the words themselves draw pictures. The author of the novel "Heart of Darkness" - Joseph Conrad describes the task of the writer as follows: "By virtue of the recorded shamrock foods word to make us hear, feel, but the first place - to see."
To allow the writer to show the picture to the reader, shamrock foods the writer must first be able to see it. Is required for observation. Being observant is to pay attention to details. Best author draws attention to the small details that often speak louder
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