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Sergey Sergeyev Georgiev like volleyball Mirela Pentcheva, is the generation of young Bulgarian athletes who call to "come and see us." His football is. Sounds like a legend, but still in his mother's belly was kicked amcon distributing so hard that wise people predicted the fate of the baby is predestined - Kick-topvokovets amcon distributing will. Only 7 years is now part of the youth academy of Levski. Then he goes into private football school "Elite", where he played with another hero of Vitaminasport - Dimitar Konev. Together you begin your adventure Spain. Sergey amcon distributing plays in Cadets SDA Kaniyas. We meet on the day in which Sergei scored hetrik and his team won with 9-3.
We laughed a lot when I tell him that I can see the title holder of the article - "A subsidiary amcon distributing of Real Madrid beat Barcelona in style." Sergey added that is not a random result. The previous round defeated 5-1. The team, led by Bulgarian coach tandem Alexander Djulgerov / Stoyan Ljubomirov always have ambition to win and often does it with such devastating for opponents, results. peeking behind what is trying to cover slightly shy young man in front of me. In the cafeteria of sports facilities, took to drink isotonic drink immediately after the game. Win a bunch of points to someone like me, who holds the recovery after the match more than the presentation during the meeting. I do not think we can complain of the "wing" of Kaniyas. Last season, it ends up as top scorer with 51 goals, is clearly seen in the statistics coach Djulgerov.
Program for computer statistics in football, which uses Bulgarian specialist is the ultimate "fashion" in this direction. I have the feeling that if you ask the coach to me out when a player who had a sore tooth would. Schemes training programs menus for proper nutrition, tactical exercises, physical training, videos, medical tests ... all in one place, in favor and service of the football coach. I opened my mouth at the sight of this modern and high-tech assistant coach. And you know?
Sergei question is how the new team and the host country. amcon distributing "The first thing I made the biggest impression when I came in 2009 was the friendliness of the people. Here are all very friendly, open, smiling. And I speak not only for Spaniards amcon distributing who work at the club. On the street, in cinema, in restaurants, everywhere they meet friendly. The boys team also received me very warmly. amcon distributing Alex says that very rarely a stranger enters under the skin of a Spaniard, and I achieved it without even give account. "
Bulgarian footballer studied three years of Spanish in school in Sofia. I suggest you do the language amcon distributing test "brand" amcon distributing Sergei amcon distributing was not afraid of the challenge. The holder of the first page of the best-selling newspaper in Spain says - "Iker changes CR7 . Besides me translate it, however, please Sergei me interpret amcon distributing the importance of title. "The captain of Real Madrid has done a good job. After a conversation with Cristiano Ronaldo amcon distributing on his provocative behavior amcon distributing on the pitch, Ronaldo has taken note, and it shows because there are no yellow amcon distributing card for protests . As shoot the following question - "How did you otnyasyash with your teammates?" Think about it before you tell me the following - "Last year,
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