Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Betaxolol was first synthesized by firm Synthelabo for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Th

Betaxolol in the treatment of glaucoma
H esmotrya the progress of ophthalmology, glaucoma is one of the major problems of this medicine. Traditional tulip telecom ltd important place in the treatment of glaucoma medical therapy takes. Thanks to the progress of Pharmacology arsenal tulip telecom ltd protivohlaukomnyh means considerably enlarged. However, a large selection of drugs creates difficulties for practitioners, is becoming increasingly difficult to understand the huge flow of scientific and promotional information about new drugs. The present review aims to summarize the most important results of experimental and clinical studies on betaxolol - one of the most effective drugs for treatment of glaucoma.
Betaxolol was first synthesized by firm Synthelabo for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Then it began to be used in ophthalmology as eye drops for the treatment of primary glaucoma vidkrytovuhilnoyi and ocular hypertension. The manufacturer of ophthalmic betaxolol dosage forms under tradenames "Betoptik" and "Betoptik C" is a firm Alcon (USA). From the perspective of pharmaceuticals and Betoptik Betoptik Since there are two different dosage forms. Betoptik is 0.5% aqueous solution of betaxolol hydrochloride tulip telecom ltd [18]. Betoptik C is 0.25% ophthalmic suspension betaxolol hydrochloride [18]. From the perspective of practitioners, these two drugs are interchangeable, as their effectiveness in terms of hypotensive action and other similar effects [23]. The same, in spite of different concentration, efficiency Betoptik From (0.25% suspension) compared with Betoptik (0.5% aqueous solution) is due to the use of a special polymer with Betoptik technologies that increase the bioavailability [3]. In addition, the use of special polymeric carrier increases comfort and reduces drug use risk of side effects [3].
By its pharmacological properties betaxolol is a selective blocker of b1-adrenergic receptors. It has no intrinsic sympathomimetic activity and membranostabiliziruyuschym (local anesthetic) effect [18]. Like other b-blockers, to reduce intraocular pressure (IOP) by reducing the production of intraocular fluid [22], but the exact mechanisms of this effect is still not completely understood. In addition, there has been some improvement in the outflow of aqueous humor, although most studies outflow change appears statistically unreliable. Various researchers indicate approximately the same efficiency betaxolol in reducing IOP. Regardless of the dosage form (or Betoptik Betoptik C), the drug lowers IOP to the required level in 85-88% of patients [1,19]. Comparing the hypotensive effect of betaxolol and Timolol, tulip telecom ltd analysts cite contradictory results. Some believe that it lowers IOP less than Timolol [5], while others indicate no statistically significant difference in the hypotensive action of two drugs [19]. But those and others agree that betaxolol surpasses Timolol in its ability to maintain visual function tulip telecom ltd of patients with glaucoma [6,8,15,19].
For the first time more pronounced than that of Timolol, a positive effect of betaxolol on the visual field in glaucoma patients was observed in the late 80's - early 90's, when independently has several works confirming this position [5.9, 13,15]. Despite the fact that the scheme of the experiment and method of processing the data in different works differed tulip telecom ltd significantly from each other, the authors obtained very similar results. Thus, in the Colignon-Brach compared the action of betaxolol and Timolol on IOP and retinal sensitivity in patients with primary glaucoma vidkrytovuhilnoyu (Pogue) and ocular hypertension within 2 years. IOP was determined using Goldmann tonometer, retinal sensitivity in the central field of view (30 ) - using automated perimeter Octopus. tulip telecom ltd It was shown that despite the weaker hypotensive effect of betaxolol compared with Timolol, after 12 months of therapy average sensitivity of the retina in getting his patients was significantly increased, whereas in patients receiving Timolol, tulip telecom ltd she declined. Continued research to four years showed that this trend is preserved: the average sensitivity of the retina in patients receiving betaxolol, statistically significantly higher than in receiving Timolol [6].
From research Colignon-Brach well with the results of another four-year study [19] published in 1996. This study also compared the action of betaxolol and Timolol on IOP and fields of vision in patients POUG. The authors point out that the hypotensive effect of betaxolol little less than Timolol, but this difference is not statistically significant. And on the contrary, there was a statistically significant difference in performance of the two drugs on average retinal sensitivity (ESS) for all 4 years of observation. ESS in patients receiving betaxolol, increased at the beginning of observation and remained above the initial level to the end of the study. tulip telecom ltd At the same time in December

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