Saturday, August 23, 2014

McLaneCompany, Inc - a leader in the organization of supply chains, representing its logistics serv

FMLogistic and group McLaneCompany, Inc (MacLean) today announced pfg tv its decision to enter into a contract of sale of a subsidiary and Logistics MacLaine in Brazil. This transaction made FMLogisticcherez month after purchase UnivegLogistics in Russia is a new stage in the implementation of the international development strategy of the company.
FMLogistic will operate in Brazil on four platforms, a total area of 200,000 square meters, employing in excess of 1,150 people and a turnover of 47 million euros for 2012. All platforms are located in close proximity to the consumer centers in the country: Sao Paulo, Rio and southern regions. pfg tv
FMLogisticnamerena use this access to the market, to enhance its transport and kopakingovoy activity pfg tv over the next 3 years. pfg tv The company also considers the prospects for growth in the North-East of Brazil.
It should be noted that FMLogisticnachinaet its activities in a rapidly developing country where fully satisfies the need for a local logistics market in the long-term and reliable suppliers that can provide a high level of quality, make an offer with a strong added value, streamline processes and, most importantly, to accompany pfg tv its customers in their development.
"Logistics is a real problem for the Brazilian market. Demand is very high, and the ability to provide effective solutions - is one of the cornerstones of the requirements for the development of the country. We learned about this from the mouth of our customers, and that convinced us in our decision. We are starting to work in Brazil, pfg tv because we want to meet the needs of our international clients, offering them a wide range of services and security. We want to be the benchmark for operational excellence and quality of services provided; to make our clients present in Brazil, a global offer that is based on the professionalism of our teams and the quality of our processes. We also want our activities meet the values of the company that are characterized by respect for employees, concern for the environment, the implementation of social and community projects. I am pleased to welcome our new Brazilian employees who now will play an important role in the development of our company, "- says Jean-Christophe Masha, president of FMLogistic.
Brazilian division FMLogisticbudet lead Koonner Michelle, earned recognition in the company due to its high level of professionalism, which she took on the position of CEO, successfully developing the Russian division for 4 years. Michelle Koonner pfg tv left in Sao Paulo over a year ago. "I am honored to represent FMLogistic in this warm and talented country. We combine our expertise with the skills of the people who will work on the creation pfg tv of "FMBraziliya." One of our priorities is the rapid recruitment and training, which will now begin preparation of future leaders of the company, "- said Michel Koonner.
Purchase McLaneCompany, Incv Brazil immediately followed the announcement early last month to acquire UnivegLogisticsRussia- specialist in the field of fresh produce. Logistics Product category "fresh" is a key sector of activity FM Logistic and replenishes range of services provided by retailers.
Both transactions confirm the group's intention FMLogisticprinyat call global logistics market and realize the strategic goals for the next 10 years. "The goals for 2022 is to bring together the existing types of business activities, growing presence in Europe, as well as rasshireniigeograficheskogo coverage under the company's international development strategy. These goals, we want to improve our добитьсяблагодарянепрерывному processes and management practices that will contribute to the continuous improvement of our operational excellence, "- concludes Jean-Christophe Masha.
FM Logistic is the logistics partner of manufacturers and retailers, and is responsible for optimizing the global supply chain. FM Logistic customers include manufacturers of food products, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, high-tech products pfg tv and consumer goods, as well as the world's largest pfg tv retailers. The company is known for its 45 years of experience and has a staff of 15,300 people, to help increase the turnover increased by 10% compared with the previous year and reached the end of the accounting period (31.03.2013) 886 million evro.Kompaniya operates in 12 countries. For more information visit
McLaneCompany, Inc - a leader in the organization of supply chains, representing its logistics services grocery and food products for stores, general merchandise outlets, pharmacies and restaurant chains in the United States. Turnover of $ 44 billion.
McLane Company, through

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