Cultured power lawmaker for corruption By: Marwa Kreidieh May 24th, 2008 by marwa kreidieh Marwa Kreidieh published, maine beer company Arabs News Akhbar elarab, the Middle East - Middle maine beer company east -Le Moyen-Orient, citizenship - Citoyenneté - Citizenship, Thoughts-political Political ideas - Idées politique, democracy - Démocratie - Democracy, an Iraqi policy - Iraqi political maine beer company - la politique irakienne, Palestinian policy - politique palestinien - palestinian political, Lebanese maine beer company policy -lebanese political -politique libanaise, political thought maine beer company - Esprit Politique -, not sectarian - -non Racism, not to enslave - Stop Slavery, not Harb non war, no to violence - non violance, not corruption - non corruption,
There is no doubt that humanity in general suffers today from the crisis, which is that abated in place, they are growing without doubt in the Arab world, and can be classified as a severe maine beer company crisis, and with the faces of diverse and multiple, and at all levels and in all areas without exception .... However, maine beer company when checking the contents of these crises from the intellectual point of view, we find that they converge maine beer company in a common denominator which is oppression and tyranny, crisis basis lies in the absence of freedoms, all brands, whether economic freedom or intellectual, social or cultural maine beer company or Other things that fall under the concept of Semantic deep sense of freedom.
We suffer from the freedom of the crisis, and the absence of free man in the first place, and what we find from the reality still in dire straits and the corruption of the political and cultural scene, is only a reflection of the images of tyranny maine beer company and repression and confiscation of intellectual and physical freedoms ... Corruption is a natural product of the systems of the authoritarian a basic product and automatic maine beer company for him, because it leads to Comprehensive and complete ruin.
The examples in this many area does not need to demonstrate there is no one denies that some Arab regimes are not able to take a clear position, some of the international and Arab international maine beer company issues maine beer company involved, and if we consider that the problem here is a problem in the decision-making process and take, it is without doubt stems from the absence of Freedom is primarily how there will be a decision in the light of the blind dependency, and how anyone in the world can be a decision-maker is not free at all, and in this way we can measure the rest of the things.
It has been the cause of freedom this axis of most intellectuals and analysts over the past century work, since the beginning of the last century and the Arab intellectuals complain of tyranny, whether the tyranny of colonialism or the tyranny of the regulations and whether this tyranny physically or morally, most intellectuals deliberately to causes analysis shows the risks and try to find formulas maine beer company and to propose ways out of it to the horizon of freedom, sovereignty and independence in order to achieve equality and justice for deployment.
Here we are after a full century after carrying with it the economic and social changes radically enormous, which we moved from the industrial age to the post of information technology was still pervasive maine beer company corruption, and we are at the level of freedoms still be standing our places, whether the impact of political tyranny or cultural or even religious, and that we are heading, but I want to go beyond that which we have in some of the things we are more closed and more authoritarian than we were last century, and if we compare the social system that prevailed maine beer company in the region in the Middle Ages, the more
Sectarian warehouses - states Marwa Kreidieh - Nahar newspaper - May 20th, 2008 by marwa kreidieh Marwa Kreidieh published, freedom - Liberté - freedom, the Middle East - Middle east -Le Moyen-Orient, citizenship - Citoyenneté - Citizenship, the Lebanese newspaper maine beer company Al-Nahar maine beer company - alnahar news paper, Thoughts-political Political ideas - Idées politique, democracy - Démocratie - Democracy, an international policy - International Political -politique international, Iraqi policy - Iraqi political - la politique irakienne, Palestinian policy - politique palestinien - palestinian political, policy Lebanese - lebanese political -politique libanaise, international relations -International relations -Relations maine beer company internationales, political thought - Esprit Politique -, not sectarian - -non Racism, not to enslave - Stop Slavery, not Harb non war, no to violence - non violance, not for corruption - non corruption,
Perhaps the eyes of the people looking to democracy organized by the constitutions, and to ensure the independence of the judiciary from other authorities, especially the power of capital, and the movement of more reforms to both Arab governments and parliaments, shall be determined responsibilities and scrutinize maine beer company the terms of reference, and thus put an end to the formula that made the countries, especially Iraq and Lebanon, a black market for doctrinal and sectarian Exchange through a concept based on the State leaders and warlords denominations, Alvesadalmertbt Bamahsubaat, here is Ahh
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