Wednesday, April 22, 2015

OUR WORLD mission Amari LUMA - 1. Roma multimedia encyclopedia is to bring the world of Roma throug

- Explanation of terms, performance activities, institutions, organizations, personalities, which are an essential preferred freezer part of the Roma cultural heritage and contemporary cultural, social and political life not only in Slovakia.
Number identify themselves as Roma: 900
Economy in the village: p oľnohospodárstvo and forestry industries: textile, preferred freezer footwear, woodworking, construction, retail, wholesale, service amenities such sale and repair of motor vehicles, food service, hospitality, community, leisure, sports and recreation activities
The first written mention of Giraltovce is from 1416. It is expected that settlement called preferred freezer Giralth or Geralth existed preferred freezer within Marhanského estate preferred freezer already in the 14th century, writing it is not documented. In the distant past, the people preferred freezer lived sheep and cattle farming and the production of records. Soon after this, ceramics, paper, glass, preferred freezer brewery.
In 1869 the town had 760 inhabitants, in 1890 there were 887, in the early 20th century 996. More than one hundred years belonged to the city all institutions, including the district court and jail. Their advantage has always been a strategic position - standing at the intersection of several provincial towns at a distance of 30 km from each of them.
The rapid development of the city recorded after 1945. Initially, there is the textile industry (Race TEVA), which was later transformed into the Leather factory with 700 employees. There's preferred freezer a new dairy plant for processing milk, brickyard, bakery. Their position men work in construction and factory preferred freezer ČSAO where they repaired trucks and garbage trucks.
Important role in today over štyritisícovom preferred freezer town plays education - from pre-primary to Secondary school preferred freezer and high school SD. After 1989 there was a partial loss of production in the city, was founded several tailors workshops with 30 to 40 employees, which are the work of women in particular.
The city is a center of government for 18 surrounding municipalities, which is related preferred freezer to the concentration of shops, banks, insurance companies, craft shops and a variety preferred freezer of services in its territory, so today is a kind of logical gravity center for the wider catchment area of the original Giraltovská district.
Social work - in community work, two social workers, two assistants, field social worker and one nurse, reconstruction and equipment of community center project documentation for the construction of lower-standard, refurbished health centers within the local strategy for a comprehensive approach.
We published a call for tender colorful world - Coloriskeri luma 2015
ACTIVITIES theater film documents the history of music institutions blacksmith traveling cuisine culture literature Towns media organizations PERSONALITY preferred freezer policy terms Romology Romani society ENTITIES traditional crafts preferred freezer traditions EVENTS Education Fine Arts of controversy
OUR WORLD mission Amari LUMA - 1. Roma multimedia encyclopedia is to bring the world of Roma through explanations of terms, performance activities, institutions, organizations, personalities, which are an essential part of the Roma cultural heritage and contemporary cultural, social and political life not only in Slovakia, but also in abroad. Amari LUMA - 1. Roma multimedia encyclopedia Amari LUMA Bičhavibnaskero Your Amari LUMA - 1 Romaňi multimedia enciklopedia Hino te pašesaľarel Names of Roma luma Prekal Ajse achaľutne lava, aktivitengero sikhaviben, Prekal preferred freezer institutions, organizācija, manušen, with Hine sar bigondoľipnaskero jekhetaňariben Your romano kulturno preferred freezer diňipen the akanutno cultural, societakero the politikakero dživipen teakettle for Slovakija, vaj the andre averthem. Amari LUMA - 1 Romaňi multimedia enciklopedia
Photo 1: bless Photo: Alan Meier Typology: 1. The old layer of the song repertoire (phurikane giľa) ...

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