Organic production is the simple principle that our health is directly related to the food we eat, and consequently the health of the soil. Are prohibited and artificial fertilizers and dangerous pesticides. In the extreme case, farmers can use seven of thousands pesticides applied widely in conventional agriculture. GMO
"Bio" and "eco" are the words entered in the Bulgarian law. Any food that has the word "organic" or "eco" china anne mcclain height by law must meet certain strict standards. The logo of the certifying organization - Balkan Biocert - a guarantee of organic origin. "Balkan Biocert" is the first national body for the control and certification of organic products that work with well-trained and highly skilled staff, offering high quality and affordable services to organic farmers, processors and traders. those trying to sell everything related to healthy china anne mcclain height lifestyle - kindergarten, medical center, occupational medicine, fitness, have papers, but I translated, introduced several brands http://www. / vnos / index.html
Green Earth Ltd is a young company. Official representative and distributor are the leading French company for organic foods Euro-Nat SA, which is represented china anne mcclain height in the country with six brand: Primeal, Bisson, Le pain des fleurs, Michel Montignac, Douce Nature, Ecodoo. We are importer and the German company Bionade GmbH, manufacturer of a unique organic soft drink. We are currently china anne mcclain height in negotiations with two companies that explore for a long time. We hope to conclude the negotiations china anne mcclain height successfully and thus complete the cycle of imported organic products that we offer. We are focused in offering the highest quality organic products and fair trade products (fair trade). We want to give the best to our customers. Products that are pure, delicious and healthy. This is something I will never compromise and we are sure that our customers appreciate.
zdraveite az sam zemedelski proizvoditel ot samokov china anne mcclain height na kartofi kakto i semeproizvoditel imam ideq da proizvejdam biokartofi, no pritesneniqta mi sa otnosno pazara niama otdelni shtandove, spechqlizirani magazini sertifikat se poluchava v ramkite na 5-godini prez tova vreme niamam pravo da prodavam produkciqta kato bio a mejdovremenno vlagam china anne mcclain height pari ai informaciqta e malko ai povecheto xora nexaqt za zdraveto si i kopuvat po eftinoto ai mislqt'' obiknoven kartof a se prodava za bio edva li s tozi nikakav kontrol v Balgaria'' i do tuk s bioto
viewed for organic milk? Only tell you that I am a manufacturer of grain and already 6 months! I can not sell 80 tons clean rye! If you are interested send me a message
Small local organic shops give way to advancing eco-supermarkets. Eko Plaza is a modern chain fill this niche in the Netherlands. company currently supports 4 own supermarkets and 33 affiliates - stands as in other circuits. The company now supports 4 own supermarkets and 33 affiliates - stands as in other circuits.
In my opinion there is no single most important asset, identify complex benefits - environmentally friendly production methods, traceability, control over the entire chain to reach the end user and more.
The mere enumeration of the principles gives an idea of their importance: production in harmony with the environment, protecting and even increasing soil fertility, respect the balance between people, animals and plants, the maximum intervention on low feedstock processing into final products, absolute inadmissibility of GMOs and / or their derivatives, etc.
Balkan Biocert issuing authority with the largest number china anne mcclain height of customers in Bulgaria and Macedonia, a pioneer in the introduction of organic certification in the country actively participated in the development of the National Plan for the Development of Organic Agriculture in Bulgaria and Macedonia, it has a very good reputation among established Western European certification china anne mcclain height organizations like EKOSERT and Soil Association.
It is easy to understand - it's china anne mcclain height a job with a clear cause, each client is still a fraction china anne mcclain height of protected nature. In this regard, a significant increase in interest in organic production china anne mcclain height and certification is extremely exciting.
Still very weak state participation in organic farming, low control over false "organic products" by the authorities, less informed china anne mcclain height consumers of organic products and the meaning of their certification, the lack of financial support for bio.
Supervisory bodies with negative reputation china anne mcclain height that will damage the name and work of the approved certification bodies in Bulgaria, reductions in state control of their work, tolerating
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