Friday, December 20, 2013

But it was several, or quite a few years before I came on the net! And my attitude towards professi

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Not very many have noticed it, Broadcast Services market basket haverhill ma Denmark A / S performed tests of masts in Kalundborg to explore the possibility of sending digital long wave radio using the relatively new DRM technology.
The old masts in Kalundborg have been modified so that they are suitable for sending digital radio. Tests have confirmed market basket haverhill ma that they will be able to cover most of Northern Europe using the relatively new DRM technology. (Photo: Jens Christian Seeberg) Still only test signal frequency
In the spring market basket haverhill ma of 2008, the masts in Kalundborg enabled, so they lend themselves to broadcast digitally. Broadcast Service Denmark market basket haverhill ma performed then a series of tests to examine the extent to which long-wave frequency 243 kHz would be suitable to send DRM radio.
In several market basket haverhill ma other countries, otherwise long since begun sending DRM radio. Both the BBC and Deutsche Welle sends thus also via DRM, India and Russia have announced that they will expand their DRM broadcasting network.
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Read korretur market basket haverhill ma in your own posts only lacking a nine missing
But it was several, or quite a few years before I came on the net! And my attitude towards professionals are poorer than is desirable. So concrete when did you first / earliest case of this Middle wave digitizing. Enlighten Me P lease!
Finn Jensen 4 years ago Re: DRM Radio
Finn Jensen 4 years ago Re: DRM Radio
Pretty much similar to FM Radio! Is there really no one who has something to say to these lines, come up the holes! I myself have I othing to lose. ____ Except it is not yet experiencing the same radio development.
Steen Jensen 4 years ago Re: Exciting
We have also written about DRM since the DRM was the world standard for digital radio below 30 MHz in 2001. Search for DRM in søgefelten and there will be a lot of articles up. For example, market basket haverhill ma read this: ...
Sending strength from Kalundborg 243 kHz is just over six years ago was raised from 30 watts to 200 watts - that is still much, much less than the 300 kW is sent to when you send in the AM on the frequency.
I live in Kalundborg, and we can hear the long-wave FM, phone, PC and TV! Unbelievable that a city a 30, 000 inhabitants suffer from the few fishermen and tourists will hear weather forecast and news. Tear the old shit down, the future is already here!
We have also written about DRM since the DRM was the world standard for digital radio below 30 MHz in 2001. Search for DRM in søgefelten and there will be a lot of articles up. For example, read this: ...
Sending strength from Kalundborg 243 kHz is just over six years ago was raised from 30 watts to 200 watts - that is still much, much less than the 300 kW is sent to when you send in the AM on the frequency.
For information director Stig Hartvig Nielsen the first in the world to receive DRM from Kalundborg long wave. It happened 24 March 2008 over 120 km distance, with a very faint signal from a measuring station.
DRM on Kalundborg langbølges frequency is a great economic opportunity for more than nationwide program of "sufficient" quality. A quality that is far superior to the disused AM transmission, achieved with a much lower transmit power. It is surprising that the financially strapped DR not immediately after the demise of AM has started market basket haverhill ma actual broadcasting market basket haverhill ma in DRM to keep rates "warm" market basket haverhill ma and get the listeners on the lake and around Denmark to acquire DRM receivers. But so far modest success of DAB has enough frightened DR from starting another new service. Kalundborg should not be afraid of a start-up of DRM as it is sent with much lower power. If it still causes problems, they should complain to the provider of their equipment. So look to get started with the release of actual programs.
Especially German stations have previously sent DRM with a powerful carrier in the middle of the signal to mask a poorly aligned antenna to the transmitter, but it is a waste of power and seems hardly market basket haverhill ma more.
There are to my knowledge no one who uses the opportunity simulcast of AM and DRM for experimental market basket haverhill ma purposes. However, market basket haverhill ma there are several market basket haverhill ma who alternates between sending AM and DRM respectively by up to 0 dB and -7 dB, for example, Deutschland Radio 177 kHz.
Kalundborg market basket haverhill ma can send PM to long waves of 300 kW, and there is still a serviceable send this effect. The possibilities DRM in Annex 1 Draft Rules of Procedure of the ITU Circular Letter CCRR/20 market basket haverhill ma mentioned above.
In addition, there are many parameters to adjust by digital modulation, so there is no direct correlation between transmission power and range. By robust sendep

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