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In April 2001, there was a split on NTV: some journalists with the scandal left channel editor, and actually changed affiliated foods midwest direction and NTV owner Vladimir affiliated foods midwest Gusinsky put channel "Gazprom-Media". Since then it is believed that political journalism on Russian federal TV channels anymore. Is this true? What changes have occurred with the federal channels per decade? What would NTV, had it not been split in 2001? Does Russia need for political journalism? Why is it not possible on our television today and who benefits from it? These and other questions from readers "Heathcliff" said Yevgeny Kiselyov, a former CEO of NTV, host of "Big Politics with Yevgeny Kiselyov" on TV channel "Inter". affiliated foods midwest
Start from the end. Absolute independence of the media does not exist in nature, as there is in the nature of distilled water or chemically pure hundred percent iron. Absolute independence of the media exists only in textbooks Faculty of Journalism. And then, these books do not believe is already affiliated foods midwest third years. On the ground, sophomore affiliated foods midwest else can be believed, and by the third year of the Faculty of Journalism people are themselves starting to work with the media, gain experience and realize that in real life, of course, the independence of the media is limited to a huge number of different kinds of things . Not going to give a list of them, because, in general, it is understandable. For television - is at least his majesty rating. I badly wanted to make any transfer, for example, remove the information and analytical educational or historical and cultural transmission, or some intricate documentary. But sales department will tell me, "Eugene A., we have a feeling that such transfer does not collect rating. But it costs a lot of money. " There's your answer.
Again the question: how to understand the independence of the media? I understand it's still as independence from the state. And so it is understood in the West. When they say "independent media - independent media - mean media, which are not under state control.
Depended on whether the policy of the channel from the views of the owner - yes, of course, depended. Another thing is that the team of journalists that created NTV, roughly affiliated foods midwest speaking, she found herself affiliated foods midwest the owner. When NTV existed as prozhekterskaya fantasy as bold, but absolutely impracticable, as it seemed to us, the idea, of course, we thought that to find a man who will finance it, he adhered to the liberal views of life in the country and in the rest of the world . Therefore, we do not accidentally come specifically to Gusinsky and not to someone else. Gusinsky is largely different from the rest of his colleagues in the shop - from the first Russian high raised big businessmen (then the word "oligarch" was not in vogue). He has already proven itself on the media and the site because affiliated foods midwest his money began to appear a great newspaper "Today". Then, in early 1993, it was hot news in the spring of 1993, the newspaper "Today" has been on the market, kiosks, there gathered the best journalistic forces from Moscow, including some bright journalists left in this newspaper from Tretyakov of " Nezavisimaya Gazeta ". Whom there just was not there and Parkhomenko, Leontiev, and Tatiana Malkin and Mikhail Sokolov. Another thing is that then they somehow fled, but at first there was a unique team of journalists, but from the world of print media.
We always easy to find a common language. We never had a fundamental philosophical differences. I could not work with the owner, who would be anti-Semitic, anti-Westerners or Stalinist. I have some cultural and historical markers, which are crucial for me. I do not like anti-Semitism, I do not like the Stalinists, I convinced Westerner. And in this sense I Gusinsky has always been easy to work with.
As for policy makers NTV - it depends on what you mean by politics. Policy channel multilayer affiliated foods midwest actually consists of a plurality of different elements. There is information affiliated foods midwest policy affiliated foods midwest is a policy of cinema, there are program policy. There is politics in public relations, which determines how we position ourselves in relation to the outside affiliated foods midwest world, the printed press, which we wrote about. There advertising policy - as we sell advertising: create your company or advertising sales call for help to one of the advertising agencies. Various issues were addressed in different ways.
Questions that were in the economic sphere (eg, issues related to advertising policy), of course, the owner decided together with the top management of the channel. I immediately got into the ranks of senior affiliated foods midwest managers, I was one of the creators and founders
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