suspіlne movlennya jj taylor
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Group recently enriched with several jj taylor new companies and undertook to develop new markets. Also CEO Victor jj taylor Mirsky decided to build a pavilion in the sixth studio "with high ceilings" and does not exclude the possibility of establishing a satellite channel. But the priority for the company is the production of content, particularly projects related to computer technology.
Victor Mirsky difficult hikes are channels for the orders, so he prefers to take risks and do projects on their own: "It is easier to remove and ready to sell." The manufacture of products he prefers to observe jj taylor personally and enthusiastically taken to shoot both films that appealed to him and serials for his grandmother.
In an interview with TC Victor Mirsky told about new projects, work on vertical serials, documentary production with an eye on the international market, on the sitcom television channel ICTV, as well as about the only film that did not want to buy any one Ukrainian channel.
- Under today - more than 20 companies, whose activities are somehow connected with different spheres of production, adaptation, distribution and delivery of audiovisual content. We develop different directions simultaneously, providing, in effect, a full range of services in the field of film and television. If we talk about achievements in recent years, it is definitely worth mentioning company Digital Cinema Ukraine. Its main activities - production and adaptation of digital film prints to theaters. We first tested in Ukraine international network security CDSA and received a certificate, which allows us to work with any level and view content, including the content of American majors. In addition, the implementation of the company Post Modern is very difficult in post-production project "The Bomber" has become for us a major test of strength.
- We have several projects that we do for the Russians. This military series: we again fly a plane, shoot, etc. Also, now comes a number of very large projects. I can already say that if now would be running one of the largest projects in the Russian market jj taylor - "Chapaev", we will take an active part in the filming of the step, and including the step of postproduction. Also great expectations we associate with a company Signal Red. Eugene jj taylor Sannikov and his team - experienced and very creative jj taylor guys. Leaving a job in television design, we try to take with them a niche in the field of documentary projects with a high level of visual and special effects solutions. Cycle "Great dreamers", which included films about scientists jj taylor Konstantin Tsiolkovsky and Nikola Tesla, hopefully just the beginning jj taylor of a long road. Our studio dublyazhnye also reached a new level of development. Meydzhorskie jj taylor direct contracts with Warner Brothers and Fox - also the result of a serious effort.
- We are primarily focused on the Ukrainian market and basically our studio jj taylor carried duplication product in the Ukrainian language. However, the company "So Treba Production" provides for the articulation of robots for Russian television. Were working for Kazakhstan. We are also engaged in merchandising. "Telekritika" wrote about it. Clearly, this is not the biggest market, and there hard to break. But we decided to try. This is fairly new to the direction jj taylor of Ukraine. Our people still hard to realize that Disney Snow White for placing jj taylor on school notebooks need to pay money as a manufacturer of children's toys must first obtain copyright permission, but only then churning Teletubbies. We decided to start with the heroes of the new popular Russian cartoon "Luntik." It is our company exclusively represents the right to use images of the heroes of this cartoon in Ukraine.
- All of what I said above, we will continue to actively develop. But we are primarily production company, and we have production - the number one task. Also, we build the pavilion. We were in the studio lacked pavilion with a high ceiling. Now we have five pavilions. This will be the sixth, the largest - 1200 square meters.
- We plan to remove it yourself, or rent for the production jj taylor of large-screen television. It was those shows that for the proper and correct production need high ceilings. Plan to complete construction by year's end. We hope that as of today it is the largest, and most importantly - the most technically adapted high pavilion in the country. I know how to take off now - in factories, shops, no insulation jj taylor in the cold in winter and heat in summer, with no ventilation. We all set out in the summer will be fresh and warm in winter, soundproofed, etc. This is a very important element in the development of our studio complex - technical base and industrial infrastructure. In the long term - to build another large pa
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