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Organ transplantation is often the only way to save human life. The most sought-after xalo organ is the kidney - each year on the planet produces about 70,000 operations on its replacement. In recent years, the demand for increasing the cornea, heart, liver, lungs, pancreas and small intestine.
This was warned the General xalo Assembly to the UN Special Rapporteur on Trafficking in Persons Joy Ngozi Ezeilo. A World Health Organization is sounding the alarm about the safety of transplants of human material.
The demand for healthy organs exceeds their offer in almost all countries of the world. Today transplantation recognized as the only way out for some severe diseases of the heart and liver. Kidney transplant is considered the best solution for end-stage renal failure.
Without it, the patient die or be forced to resort to the procedure of dialysis - an expensive and often inaccessible to the vast number of people in need. The shortage of organs, tissues and cells for transplantation is equally acute in the countries of the Third World and in industrialized countries, said the director of the German Federal xalo Agency for the purchase of Dr. Gunter Kirste:
"As for my country, Germany is still far from meeting the demand of those in need of a transplant. Wait a healthy kidney accounts for about six years. But there are countries in the world where the line moves very quickly, in just 2-3 months. xalo On the other hand, in many countries the use of dead prohibited. And organ donation from live donors pose a risk to their health. "
The lack of human material, especially internal organs has led to the flourishing of a global "black market". Those who can afford to buy the necessary authority, often sent to a country where people can barely make ends meet and are willing to do anything to somehow stay afloat. According to the UN, thanks to this "transplant tourism" in the world is 10% of all organ transplants. The World Health Organization has long been monitoring xalo the situation xalo in this area. Developed and continuously updated global guiding principles on organ donation and transplantation of cells, tissues and organs.
WHO experts strongly opposed to commercial trade in human body parts, and insist xalo on the principle xalo of voluntary unpaid donation. According to the coordinator of the WHO transplantation, Dr. Luc Noel, the question of organ donation xalo is the moral and ethical character, in his discussion should involve all members of the family, and the decision is a kind of civil testament:
"It is desirable to consider such a decision before the life circumstances xalo put you to have to deal with such sensitive issues at the same time mourning dead loved ones. The post-mortem organ donation is a civil act. Skills Civil gestures xalo should be vaccinated at school. This question lies in the awareness of the social significance of his actions. "
Well, what could be more socially important than saving the life of another human being? 17 years ago, an American xalo Carol Miller had surgery for a kidney transplant, without which she would have died, "I xalo sew a year and a half wait. And maybe I would have waited longer if it were not stood in line for transplantation immediately as soon as she learned xalo about the need kidney transplants. I immediately applied for, and then took a full medical examination to be fully ready for operation. " Carol completely agree with the fact that the question of the donation must address all members xalo of the family: "I think it is very important that the people who decided to donate, xalo be sure to discuss this issue with their relatives. After all, for a family xalo of their death will be a tremendous blow. On that to come to terms with the loss can take years, so do not rely on the fact that the relatives immediately manifest generosity and donate organs of dead relatives. So the donor family should prepare in advance for such a difficult decision. I'm sure it will dramatically increase the chances of needing a transplant get a healthy body. "
In act 80 Iran transplant centers organs (heart, liver, kidney, lung, bone marrow, etc.) and tissues (cornea, skin, bone, heart valves, tendons, cartilage) which can not only satisfy xalo the needs in country, but also to provide data services to visitors.
In recent years, Iran receives patients from Azerbaijan, Oman, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, the United Arab Emirates. Persian
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