Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The total market elektrobenzonasosov up to six months is estimated at about 97.5 million. In gasoli

Fuel system parts to buy or repair | Top Cars
Parts Fuel System unkl 347 at a Glance Statistics. The fuel system of the car includes a wide variety of parts and assemblies. However, the design life of most of them coincides with the life cycle of the vehicle. Yet the realities of the daily operation of the machine lead to the fact that some of parts and components of the system unkl 347 need to be replaced much earlier. For cars such parts list includes, unkl 347 first of all, nozzles and elektrobenzonasos.
In general, the secondary market fuel system components of foreign cars in 2012 is estimated at 169 million U.S. dollars. Domestic unkl 347 cars are traditionally characterized by a somewhat smaller resource units and parts, as well as a large percentage of models with petrol engines. Secondary market fuel system components of domestic cars in 2011 was "weaker" inomarochnogo 1.4 times and amounted to 120.6 million dollars. This is due to the higher price of spare parts for cars.
The most expensive unit in the fuel system to be replaced - elektrobenzonasos. Its cost for cars is on average about $ 219 for the Russian car brands - about 70.5. Average yield for the site is highly dependent on the quality of the fuel used in Russia it is about 165,000 km to the exclusion of refills explicit counterfeiting.
The total market elektrobenzonasosov up to six months is estimated at about 97.5 million. In gasoline cars mechanical gasoline pumps are widely used, their life is usually lower than electric, but less repeatedly. So if damaged cheaper to buy spare parts for the replacement than venturing unkl 347 almost unprofitable car repair garage.
One of the first elements of the fuel system, responsive to the unsatisfactory quality of gasoline are nozzles. There is a practice of cleaning a variety of methods, which do not always restore performance and then replacing injectors is inevitable. On average, their lifespan is 165,000 km on the domestic and 140,000 miles - in cars of foreign brands.
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