The dangers of creationism in education - adopted on October 4, 2007 resolution of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (48 in favor, 25 against). The resolution states that "Creationism can not pretend to be a scientific discipline" and includes "intelligent convention collective grande distribution design" creationism, and calls to "promote learning convention collective grande distribution through the school curriculum evolution as a fundamental scientific theory." In preparation for the discussion at the roundtable winter school of Future biotech on "How to argue with creationists and antiGMOshnikami" I decided to organize a little experience with creationists convention collective grande distribution (about GMOs, too, will be an article in a moment). Discussing creationism should know in person, at least, the most famous and prominent representatives of this trend.
The most famous creationist - Kent Hovind. He owns (or, at least, they are referred to) a substantial part of the argument, which can be found in the format copy / paste from creationists over the internet. In particular he is known by the following phrases (though they are mentioned less often): "I believe convention collective grande distribution not only in the fact that dinosaurs are described in the Bible, but in the fact that they lived with a man for all the six thousand years of history." "I personally believe that Satan fell from heaven about 100 years after the creation of Adam and Eve ... [...] In his pride, Satan has decided that he shall magnify himself convention collective grande distribution and take the throne of God. Thus began the evolution. convention collective grande distribution " "When people left the Tower of Babel, they took with them their false religion of evolution." "The convention collective grande distribution Colorado River is not formed the Grand Canyon. Grand Canyon was formed when the deluge. " "Evolution is just another religion. There is no empirical evidence of evolution, convention collective grande distribution so it is certainly not a science. " Slightly less well-known creationist, president of the site Answers in Genesis, a supporter of the literal interpretation of the Bible Ken Ham.
"What a good time to redeem matirialy available now to teach children the truth about dinosaurs. Dinosaurs lived millions of years ago, they lived close to the people, convention collective grande distribution and they were in Noah's Kochveg, they are mentioned in the Bible, and they lived after the flood. There is a mass of evidence that they lived until recently. God created all types of animals. Dinosaurs did not evolve, and in fact there is no mystery about what happened to them. " convention collective grande distribution
According to Ken Ham's dinosaurs had to live with people as before the fall there was no death and disease. "The dinosaurs could not die before there were people, because before that dinosaurs did not exist, and death, bloodshed, disease and suffering are the result of Adam's sin," So why the dinosaurs died? "Climate change is a result of the flood, lack of food, disease, human activities have caused the extinction of many species of animals. Dinosaurs and many other creatures became extinct. Location great mystery about dinosaurs? "
Michael convention collective grande distribution BIHE - the only known creationist who has a scientific publication. Argued that it is impossible incurred as a result of the evolution of such complex entities as bacterial flagellum, eye, blood clotting system. In particular, he introduced the term irreducible complexity (irreducible complexity). Tellingly, is also in favor of astrology. Below, we analyze in detail the mistaken view about the irreducible complexity of the bacterial flagellum and the blood clotting vertebrates, but as an introduction I quote from the trial in the United States, which discussed the scientific creationism, which acted BIHE expert. "During the cross-examination of Professor BIHE was asked about his statement made in 1996, the year that science would never find an evolutionary explanation of the immune system. He presented 58 papers opublikovnnyh in peer-reviewed scientific journals, nine books and several chapters in textbooks convention collective grande distribution on immunology about the evolution of immune system, convention collective grande distribution however, he simply insisted that the evidence of evolution is not enough. " Meanwhile, the evolution of the immune system convention collective grande distribution has been well studied [1-3]. The lawyer took one of the papers and asked BIHE - Did you read this article? He replied "no." And since accumulated a stack of all the above articles and books on that BIHE said that "it is not enough."
Well, one can also mention the famous man-banana, convention collective grande distribution Ray Comfort. "Look! Banana - the nightmare atheist. " For this phrase convention collective grande distribution he gained international fame. Banana, the resulting selection of wild banana which began to cultivate a few thousand years ago, according to Ray, proved intelligent design as banana "ideally placed in the hand of man." But what is creationism? In the United States Constitution requires the separation of religion and state. In this regard, was a series of trials on the teaching of creationism in public schools or & ldquo
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