Salinas becomes a l'boicotejar the candidat elections | IBIZA CONFIDENTIAL
Ho has tornat select staffing riverside fer. Carlos Salinas, General de l'agrupació secretari socialist Santa Eulalia has boicotejat select staffing riverside l'candidat elections to the mayoralty per l'posant to end a person's confiança seua. Fa quatre anys per ho going to pose fer ell-s'hi Mateix. The PSOE havia parlat amb one of disposades parell encapçalar persones to the llista, among them quals hi havia Camacho Carme Ferrer, the Senat last Socialist candidate. S'ha encarregat Salinas de fer or discourage per l'impossible fer candidacy acceptació necessari per part d'aquestes persones. The surprise is going to donate ahir quan l'nit assemblea city will approve the nomination d'un Autèntic desconegut, faces that vot significatiu amb one of Punishing in a controlled agrupació is believed fèrriament Mateix pel Carlos Salinas. The suposa decisió one repte nou per the manager of the PSOE, which has streng per una semper apostat i renewed bid to Santa Eulalia a Municipis dels on the partit treu pitjors resultats. The nom proposat candidat, José Luis Pardo, no person or als informats month on local politics. A notable fet if tea compte going to be number 3 encapçalà candidacy Salinas them i Ultimes eleccions that sembla segons has cobrat sou seu alderman during anys quatre.
Agustinet to sant josep = carrascosa defeat san antoni = heavy defeat (despres de l'interview will be facing daily grossa month) = hi san joan haura oppositions? Santa Eulalia destroça brown = Total (bon nom per aconseguir vots the area amb l'illa select staffing riverside tradicions arraigades month i sobretot molt conegut)
Shame they have not successfully completed negotiations with Carmen Ferrer, as would have been a very good candidate, as head of the list and give a change in Santa Eulalia. select staffing riverside But the reality right now is another, there is more to wish the new head of party, good luck in his new career. W e amb you.
I hope that with the election of jose luis Pardo, the "murcianofobia" can not wake up. Moreover, as a candidate Luis Josee, young, honest, with extensive experience at the municipal level and with unusual enthusiasm for doing things by the municipality, I think it's select staffing riverside a great commitment of the PSOE. We should also note that has been a CHOICE of the Assembly select staffing riverside of the PSOE Agrupacióndel l dl River village therefore has the blessing of the majority of members of the PSOE, which recognize tenemo sque has not occurred in most of applications of this party, therefore, the election was legal and legitimate, (which we all know virtues absent). As for Carlos Salinas, in my opinion and the opinion of many honest hardworking people, progressive, and follower of values on left ue distinguished generally not seguramnte embodies perfection, but it is a bulwark and a mirror d anyone However, the left in general and in particular should PSOE, defend, pamper, encourage and feel very proud that people like Salinas select staffing riverside is and remains a leader of the PSOE in the Balearic Islands. Needless to say, it has like Carlos José Luis with the democratic support of the Assembly of Santa Eulalia, which, by dint of repeating is not superfluous, NI WHIMSY is simply the will of an organization, although, I have to recognize that this kind of backup is unfortunately obsolete, by some groups and from what I've read lately on this forum, has also been installed in some parts of our island society, which apparently makes the case more media, which aim to feel the people who make and which are the soul and the body and also hold by proxy the feelings of those organizations. I hope this time prevails select staffing riverside "seny" and leave following the natural course of things, since among other things has as important as guarantees legality and legitimacy. select staffing riverside
The choice will have been legal and legitimate as it will be the higher organs that have to ratify the proposed incommensurate dismissed by the general interests of the party. It is legal and legitimate for a group of 17 friends who are representing themselves the position of candidate rifen without paying the slightest attention to the wishes of the voters and progressives civil society.
Be legal and legitimate than the Insular Committee concludes that a weak candidate in Santa Eulalia is the perfect select staffing riverside recipe for losing the Consell and rectify the decision. As could not be otherwise because any decision of the Association of Santa Eulalia lies not only to its members select staffing riverside but to all progressives.
Patetic! Salinas is a cancer that s'ho menja tot i no res crèixer deixa seu CoStat to bo. Duu thirty select staffing riverside anys to c
Ho has tornat select staffing riverside fer. Carlos Salinas, General de l'agrupació secretari socialist Santa Eulalia has boicotejat select staffing riverside l'candidat elections to the mayoralty per l'posant to end a person's confiança seua. Fa quatre anys per ho going to pose fer ell-s'hi Mateix. The PSOE havia parlat amb one of disposades parell encapçalar persones to the llista, among them quals hi havia Camacho Carme Ferrer, the Senat last Socialist candidate. S'ha encarregat Salinas de fer or discourage per l'impossible fer candidacy acceptació necessari per part d'aquestes persones. The surprise is going to donate ahir quan l'nit assemblea city will approve the nomination d'un Autèntic desconegut, faces that vot significatiu amb one of Punishing in a controlled agrupació is believed fèrriament Mateix pel Carlos Salinas. The suposa decisió one repte nou per the manager of the PSOE, which has streng per una semper apostat i renewed bid to Santa Eulalia a Municipis dels on the partit treu pitjors resultats. The nom proposat candidat, José Luis Pardo, no person or als informats month on local politics. A notable fet if tea compte going to be number 3 encapçalà candidacy Salinas them i Ultimes eleccions that sembla segons has cobrat sou seu alderman during anys quatre.
Agustinet to sant josep = carrascosa defeat san antoni = heavy defeat (despres de l'interview will be facing daily grossa month) = hi san joan haura oppositions? Santa Eulalia destroça brown = Total (bon nom per aconseguir vots the area amb l'illa select staffing riverside tradicions arraigades month i sobretot molt conegut)
Shame they have not successfully completed negotiations with Carmen Ferrer, as would have been a very good candidate, as head of the list and give a change in Santa Eulalia. select staffing riverside But the reality right now is another, there is more to wish the new head of party, good luck in his new career. W e amb you.
I hope that with the election of jose luis Pardo, the "murcianofobia" can not wake up. Moreover, as a candidate Luis Josee, young, honest, with extensive experience at the municipal level and with unusual enthusiasm for doing things by the municipality, I think it's select staffing riverside a great commitment of the PSOE. We should also note that has been a CHOICE of the Assembly select staffing riverside of the PSOE Agrupacióndel l dl River village therefore has the blessing of the majority of members of the PSOE, which recognize tenemo sque has not occurred in most of applications of this party, therefore, the election was legal and legitimate, (which we all know virtues absent). As for Carlos Salinas, in my opinion and the opinion of many honest hardworking people, progressive, and follower of values on left ue distinguished generally not seguramnte embodies perfection, but it is a bulwark and a mirror d anyone However, the left in general and in particular should PSOE, defend, pamper, encourage and feel very proud that people like Salinas select staffing riverside is and remains a leader of the PSOE in the Balearic Islands. Needless to say, it has like Carlos José Luis with the democratic support of the Assembly of Santa Eulalia, which, by dint of repeating is not superfluous, NI WHIMSY is simply the will of an organization, although, I have to recognize that this kind of backup is unfortunately obsolete, by some groups and from what I've read lately on this forum, has also been installed in some parts of our island society, which apparently makes the case more media, which aim to feel the people who make and which are the soul and the body and also hold by proxy the feelings of those organizations. I hope this time prevails select staffing riverside "seny" and leave following the natural course of things, since among other things has as important as guarantees legality and legitimacy. select staffing riverside
The choice will have been legal and legitimate as it will be the higher organs that have to ratify the proposed incommensurate dismissed by the general interests of the party. It is legal and legitimate for a group of 17 friends who are representing themselves the position of candidate rifen without paying the slightest attention to the wishes of the voters and progressives civil society.
Be legal and legitimate than the Insular Committee concludes that a weak candidate in Santa Eulalia is the perfect select staffing riverside recipe for losing the Consell and rectify the decision. As could not be otherwise because any decision of the Association of Santa Eulalia lies not only to its members select staffing riverside but to all progressives.
Patetic! Salinas is a cancer that s'ho menja tot i no res crèixer deixa seu CoStat to bo. Duu thirty select staffing riverside anys to c
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