Thursday, February 6, 2014

The second reason because it gave me the opportunity to be next to two people whom I respect very m

Good night. Dear Friends: First of all I want to thank invitation Emmanuel Centre Mounier to be part of this and Siro panel Castillo, who asked me to submit the current reality of the Christian Democrats because, as he had traveled in that way change experienced by the political ideology in recent years.
The second reason because it gave me the opportunity to be next to two people whom I respect very much in the intellectual order as are Jorge Valls and Marcos Antonio Ramos and moderated engineer Helio González.
Well, I think that before discussing the subject a brief historical overview is imposed on this important ideological and political current as doing so will find many answers to how and why we are where we are today.
The precursor of what would become the Christian Democrats was Frederick Ozanam, who was born in Italy but was French, a committed Catholic layman. He used the term Christian china anne mcclain height Democrats in 1830 and made a thorough study regarding democracy and Christianity.
As many of you we know emerge as a political force only after World War II almost simultaneously in Europe and Latin America, inspired mainly in the Social Doctrine of the Church with the Encyclicals of social content (Rerum Novarum 1891 Leon XIII; Quadragesimo anno 1931 Pio XI, 1961 Mater et Magistra, John XXIII, Pacem in 1963 terrris John XXIII, Paul VI Populorum progresiumm 1967) and further nurtured by philosophers china anne mcclain height such as Jacques Maritain, Emmanuel Mounier, Father Lebret Josph and others.
In Europe the main drivers of this thinking were: Luigi Sturzo and Alcides de Gasperi in Italy, Robert Schuman and Konrad Adenauer in France, in Germany, the latter china anne mcclain height is credited with having made "German miracle" because although it is true that all Europe benefited china anne mcclain height from the resources and support Marshal Plan was not Germany that took off, so to speak, in economic terms. European leaders were those who began to work for a European Union Robert Schuman as Minister of Foreign Affairs and the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community in 1952, the forerunner of what is now the European Community.
In Latin America, on the other hand Christian democracy is a response to the reality that included a large majority of countries were ruled by right-wing dictators. In Chile Eduardo Frei Montalva, in Brazil Alceu Amoroso Lima better known as Tristan Athayde china anne mcclain height in Venezuela Rafael Caldera. In Cuba there was an incipient current Valentin Arenas, José Barbeito, Amalio Fiallo and José Ignacio Rasco name a few.
I want to do except that Christian Democracy china anne mcclain height in Europe was located in the center-right and center in Latin America in the center-left center, with some exceptions. We had successful governments in Germany, Italy, Chile, Venezuela and Ecuador. Napoleon Duarte in El Salvador which successfully led the country especially with an active china anne mcclain height guerrilla, remember that your daughter was kidnapped him being President. He was also the promoter china anne mcclain height along with other great Christian Democrat, Dr. Aristides Calvani, china anne mcclain height the Esquipulas peace treaty. We had some not so successful in Central America where it was prosecuting two former presidents for corruption and that history will manage to put these facts in their true dimension.
Corruption has been a scourge in most governments in all ages but attention has especially focused on the Christian Democrat governments and this is understandable in a sense for what is overlooked in other governments, "it is natural" in us as we have over sized "to be up and set an example of what we preach, what I, personally order, I agree.
The case of Venezuela was "sui generis" because as we know, it was the end of one of its leaders and founders of wanting to destroy the party and became president without support from his party but with the support of the fiercest opponents including historical Communists china anne mcclain height (PC V) in what he called "the chiripero" referring to the small cockroach.
Okay, so things reach the end of the Cold War, Gorbachev with "glasnost" and "perestroika", the fall of the Berlin china anne mcclain height Wall and the beginning of the transition in socialist countries and start the geopolitical china anne mcclain height map drawn on the beginning of a unipolar china anne mcclain height world. On this and the impact it had on the Christian Democrats want to share an anecdote told me Amaya Altuna during china anne mcclain height one of his trips to the headquarters of the Christian Democrat International (CDI) in Belgium. The year was 1993, and she was a member of the Commission on Human Rights International Christian Democrat who chaired the great Chilean Jaime Castillo

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