If we accept that democracy and pluralism are inseparable lowes tifton ga and if we consider that pluralism is a reality that comes from other times, no one should miss him the topic assigned lowes tifton ga to us. On the other hand, Christianity and the West are impossible to separate. Despite the years and the centuries since the days of Jesus Christ, Christian principles have been proclaimed and many have tried to live them fully. Reconciling our outreach and our dignity as children of God has been tried at different times and with different names effort. This afternoon we are remembering Emanuel Mourier who tried to advance a Christian thought, lowes tifton ga with its roots in the holy Gospels, but committed to the social. This French thinker committed to social stress anti individualist social Christianity, he always associated with the expression of Jacques Maritain "communitarian personalism" not played in games but tried to give a new value and content to the idea of community, always based on Christian teachings.
Rafael lowes tifton ga Caldera, writing about these issues, stated that Christian Democratic parties and groups that support the Social Christian and I quote: "There can be Catholics or Protestants of various denominations. Or Orthodox Christians. But they also have a place, they have found, and comfortably lowes tifton ga within the Christian Democrats - without have felt oppressed by the doctrine or practice of our parties - adherents of other faiths people ... or even those being agnostics from the point of view Awareness ... recognize the importance of ethical inspiration and a spiritualist current in the lives of the people ... "
It is increasingly clear that any ideology or political or social movement of this historical period has to face the ever-increasing degree of pluralism prevalent in our society. lowes tifton ga If you intend to impact the world today, the social Christianity, whether we are referring to an ideology, an ideal or a political party can not be proclaimed as a purely religious movement. Leaving definitions for more enlightened minds about the specificity of social lowes tifton ga Christianity or the Christian Democrats, such as those offered by Dr. Rafael Caldera in a book which is entitled "Specificity of Christian Democracy", before us the following picture broadly .
First, we live far away, historically speaking, lowes tifton ga the period known as Christianity. The modern world has been through the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Enlightenment and follow you adding the Industrial Revolution, the French Revolution, the October Revolution, the rise of philosophical schools that are not entirely oblivious many Christian Socialists and everything else . But reducing our attention to the Spanish American and U.S. Hispanic communities in which we operate gathered here because we are not exactly the atmosphere created for independence after the colonization and evangelization of America.
Any ideological or political movement, any interpretation lowes tifton ga of society and the responsibilities of its members, any attempt to promote solidarity, social lowes tifton ga and even spiritual values justice, necessarily develops amidst a growing secularism that makes it difficult to locate in majority status or principal minority in any effort either electoral or cultural influence.
While that has highlighted the non-denominational character of the Social Democrats and the movement, popular or identified with another name matches, some still associate with any church, especially the Roman Catholic, either social or Christian Democratic parties or institutions that promote the Social Principles.
The German Christian Democratic Party, with still exerts influence, thank God, in Europe and other geographies in a way was then of the Centre Party, lowes tifton ga openly Catholic except in the region of Hanover. To emerge under its current name in post-war Germany, two of its key figures, Konrad Adenauer, a Rhine Catholic and Ludwig lowes tifton ga Erhardt, a Bavarian Lutheran interestingly, reflected a roughly biconfesional while non-denominational nature of democracy German Christian. A different situation is logically related to the rise of Christian democracy in Italy, lowes tifton ga predominantly Catholic and not as affected by secularism and in these moments. Social Christianity in the Netherlands, to be structured as a political movement was the result of cooperation lowes tifton ga and eventual unity of a Calvinist party, led by Prime Minister, Pastor Abraham Kuyper, and a Catholic party, whose two movement
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