Sunday, February 8, 2015

Closure glaucoma evalon usually occurs in one eye, while the other eye is likely to be too impresse

Closure Glaucoma: Symptoms, Treatment evalon |
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Closure glaucoma evalon usually occurs in one eye, while the other eye is likely to be too impressed. The rapid increase in intraocular pressure accompanied evalon by redness and pain in the eye or around it, severe headache, nausea, vomiting and blurred vision. Before the emergence of blurred vision, patients often see halos around lights. This is due to corneal edema.
In an acute attack of glaucoma eye more sensitive to palpation and more solid than the other eye. As intraocular pressure continues to rise, nausea and vomiting may become severe, which may be suspected "acute abdomen". Within 48 to 72 hours, depending on the degree of increased evalon pressure, vision evalon may be irreversibly damaged. Thus, an attack of glaucoma critical condition requiring immediate evalon referral to an ophthalmologist. Closure glaucoma treatment
The goal of treatment is as rapid reduction of intraocular pressure. This can be achieved using systemic evalon drugs orally, and sometimes intravenously. For local treatment of this disease are also glaucoma eye drops. Often, to reduce intraocular pressure evalon may need laser and / or surgical treatment. evalon
Acute glaucoma attack is accompanied by symptoms such as eye pain, headache, appearance of halos around lights, evalon mydriasis, reduced vision, redness of the eyes, nausea and vomiting. These signs can last for hours or to reduce IOP. Every such attack of glaucoma peripheral vision can be lost.
Acute attack of glaucoma requires evalon emergency care. If drainage angle of the eye will be opened in order to remove the excess amount of aqueous humor, and the pressure in the eye is not reduced for a few hours, it can damage the optic nerve and loss of vision. Therefore, the appearance of these symptoms should immediately consult an ophthalmologist or a hospital.
Remember that an acute attack evalon of glaucoma can be caused by dilated pupils, in which the iris blocks the drainage angle of the anterior chamber of the eye. Other factors - poor lighting, eye drops used for fundus examination and ocular form of certain medications, such as antihistamines / sympathomimetic agents, and refrigerated medicines.
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