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Decorative. Here is wall painted some shades darker than your TV that is frame-, Mohair Lady PureColor. With still gets the TV like a painting on the wall. Wooden bench Bolinas, lamp Grossman from Gubi and sofa Yale from MDF Italia, Tannum Furnishings. PHOTO: Siren Lauvdal
BLACK MAGIC. The simplest and perhaps most affordable meetings draw great curb television surface p, is painting the wall black behind. The wall is also nice contrast to the white walls. Tv mblet home crafted, the mirrored sliding doors hides necessary accessories without preventing the signals from the remote control. PHOTO: Sveinung Brthen
MATT TV WALL: Bet you on black matte, gr television more in the wall. The picture was taken at the home of interior design Lone Schrder Haagensen. Along the floor has wall a shadow edge casuistry brushed steel, this fr wall "soar". Wallpaper Madagascar VP 631-31. PHOTO: Espen Grnli
Earlier frskte we hide the television most between shelves and cabinets or stood on wheels on the floor in the living room. Today skinny tv's are s say frame contents, and can withstand st promote. - Integrate the television in the environment. The latest has not edge around the screen and is decorative on the wall, especially if you paint the wall behind some shades darker, say stylists Krkvik & D'Orazio. Stylists emphasizes that tv picture also can interoperate with other images so the screen becomes part of the wall art. At S (edition) you can buy video and photos from famous names such as, among others, Wim Wenders and Damien Hirst. Another site Ambience visuals where you can buy both stills and video to the screen. You also dampens television surface effectively by painting the wall behind black, then gray the black surface of the wall. Moreover, the picture clearer against mrk background. Matt paint is the trend, and it also works best tv wall. Interior design riverside hospital ca Lone Schrder Haagensen has placed his tv on a wall outbox. The black painted wall becomes like a backdrop that highlights or camouflages. - With utboksingen it is also nicely from the side, you do not have to look into the rear of the TV. All the connectors are positioned so that they are hidden behind the television. The darkness wallpaper behind contributes to the TV disappears into the darkness wall, says interirdesigneren. Read also Smart storage tips to hallway hallway was thrice s big teams open plan kitchen and living room of this restoration, we have not seen before the case was originally published on Read here.
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