Friday, February 6, 2015

Glaucoma - a chronic eye disease, characterized by continuous katsiroubas or periodic increase of i

Glaucoma | City Clinical Hospital 3
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Glaucoma - a chronic eye disease, characterized by continuous katsiroubas or periodic increase of intraocular pressure with the development of trophic disorders in the outflow tract of intraocular katsiroubas fluid in the retina and optic nerve, causing the appearance of typical defects in the field of development and excavation edge (depression, bursting) of the optic nerve . Thus, the term "glaucoma" brings together a large group of eye diseases (60) with the following common features: Intraocular pressure constant or periodic portable than individually (tolerant) level; Characteristic lesion develops fiber optic - glaukomnaya optic neuropathy, which results in their final stage of its atrophy; There are characteristic of glaucoma violation of visual function. Glaucoma can occur at any age, from birth, but the incidence increases significantly in the summer, and in old age. Thus, the frequency of congenital glaucoma is 1 case per thousand births 10-20, aged 40-45 years, primary glaucoma occurs in about 0.1% of the population. In the age group 50-60 years are glaucoma occurs in 1.5% of cases and in patients katsiroubas older than 75 years, katsiroubas more than 3%. This disease is one of the first leading cause of untreatable blindness and has great social significance.
For the development katsiroubas of the disease required a number katsiroubas of reasons that collectively lead to its occurrence. Especially important are heredity, individual characteristics or abnormalities of the eye structure, pathology of the cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems. Currently, scientists predict that the development and progress of the disease glaucoma - a serial chain risk factors that are summarized in its effect, resulting run mechanism that gives rise to the disease. However, the mechanisms infringement of visual function in glaucoma pathogenesis so far have not been sufficiently katsiroubas studied. The main stages of the pathological process in glaucoma can be represented as follows: Violation of deterioration and outflow of aqueous humor from the cavity of the eyeball, which can be caused by a mass of various katsiroubas reasons; Increased intraocular pressure (IOP) above the level of tolerance (portable, tolerance) for the eye; The deterioration of blood flow in tissues of the eye; Hypoxia (lack of oxygen) and ischemia (circulatory disorders) tissues in the output of the optic nerve; Compression (compression) of nerve fibers in their area out of the eyeball, leading to disruption of their function and death; Dystrophy (malnutrition), destruction (destruction) and atrophy of the optic fibers katsiroubas collapse of their parent ganglion cells of the retina; The development of the so-called glaucomatous optic neuropathy and subsequent atrophy (destruction) of the optic nerve.

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