Monday, February 9, 2015

In medical term

In medical term "glaucoma" is understood a group of severe ocular select staffing riverside pathologies. The name of the disease has received from the Greek word "????????" The literal translation of which means "blue eyes clouding." Such exotic name of the disease caused by special color pupil. When glaucoma it is specific blue-green, gets extended stationary and leads to total blindness.
Symptoms of glaucoma can be diagnosed in a person of any age. However, with the greatest frequency of glaucoma is common in the elderly. For example, cases of congenital select staffing riverside glaucoma diagnosed only one child 15-20 thousand. Children during the first months of life. In persons older than 75 years diagnosed cases of glaucoma constitute more than 3%. The causes of glaucoma
It is believed that regular or intermittent elevated IOP can lead to venous disorders select staffing riverside in the structure select staffing riverside of the eye, violations outflow of fluid and other complications select staffing riverside that cause defects in the retina and optic nerve in glaucoma.
Quite common is also a version of the multifactorial nature of disease glaucoma. select staffing riverside By the combination of factors that cause glaucoma rank hereditary causes abnormalities of structure of trauma, pathology of the nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems.
The term "glaucoma" combined more than 60 different types of disease with specific symptoms. Glaucoma any of these types, primarily characterized by lesions select staffing riverside of the optic nerve fibers. Over time, the process moves to the stage of complete atrophy of visual function.
The earliest symptom of glaucoma is poor outflow of intraocular fluid from the eyeball. Behind him growing deterioration of blood supply to eye tissue hypoxia and ischemia of the optic nerve. Lack of oxygen to the tissues select staffing riverside of the eye as a sign of glaucoma causes gradual destruction and atrophy of the optic fibers.
Congenital glaucoma is often caused by genetic or caused by intrauterine infections wrapped. Symptoms of this type of glaucoma manifest in the first weeks of life. A child is born with a high intraocular pressure, corneal increasing bilateral or just eyeball. In life sometimes called congenital select staffing riverside glaucoma eye dropsy or bovine eye.
Juvenile or youthful glaucoma is diagnosed in children older than 3 years. In advanced cases, signs of glaucoma disease manifestations can occur up to 35 years. In older age are diagnosed with glaucoma called select staffing riverside an adult and can be primary or secondary.
The clinical symptoms of glaucoma include open-type slow progression of the disease, the absence of any discomfort to the patient, a persistent bright circles at a late stage of the disease and the gradual clouding of vision. Open-angle glaucoma usually affects both eyes at once, but develops asymmetrically (at a different pace in both eyes).
Closure glaucoma is diagnosed more often in women as favorable factors for this type of disease is the small size of the eye. The signs of this type of glaucoma include the presence of acute attacks select staffing riverside of blindness. Under the influence of trauma, fatigue or continuous operation in a difficult select staffing riverside position when there is a sharp attack blurred vision may occur eye pain, nausea, vomiting. Then the patient a state prehlaukomy period of relatively normal vision.
Depending on the severity of the disease glaucoma glaucoma distinguish four stages: the first characteristic symptom of glaucoma (primary) stage - the normal limits of a small distortion of peripheral vision. A sign of glaucoma or other advanced stage - side view expressed abuse and general narrowing of the visual field. The third stage of an advanced glaucoma saving feature of the disease acts only certain segments select staffing riverside of sight. select staffing riverside The fourth terminal stage of glaucoma is characterized select staffing riverside by blindness. Diagnosis of glaucoma
The effectiveness of glaucoma treatment depends on early diagnosis of the disease. The leading value it has determination of intracranial pressure using tonometry or elastotonomerii. Quality outflow of intraocular fluid in glaucoma study through the use of electronic tonohrafiyi.
The high value in the diagnosis of diseases have also perimetry method for measurement of borders and honioskopiya. The latter method is studied structures called the anterior chamber. Find out qualitative and quantitative disturbances in the structure of the optic allows select staffing riverside the use of laser scanning ophthalmoscopy.
Glaucoma treatment can be medical or surgical. Operations glaucoma select staffing riverside in turn are just two types: traditional conducted using microsurgical scalpel or laser.
The basis for the medical treatment of glaucoma consists of three areas: therapy for reducing intraocular pressure, improve blood flow to the optic nerve of the eye and inner shells, normalization of metabolism in tissues ca.

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