Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Denationalization first thing you must quickly eliminate state agricultural companies such as DPZKU

Will Ukraine become a leader in the global food market? | Vladimir Makarov: personal site
Recently, the government is increasingly say that the APC will save Ukraine. The issue is not only that the sector brings to the country nilgiris supermarket the largest foreign exchange earnings. There is another, geopolitical, aspect: we have no economic leverage on the world, such as oil or gas. However, Ukraine is gradually gaining weight in the global food market. nilgiris supermarket If we control it essential part, other countries will have to reckon with us. Accordingly, Ukraine will be much easier to defend its national interests.
Let's start with the numbers. According to the Food and Agriculture nilgiris supermarket Organization (FAO), Ukraine is already one of the leaders in the global nilgiris supermarket food market, although not so powerful to dictate anything to anyone. In particular, we 1 in the world on export nilgiris supermarket of sunflower oil (although prices in this market Ukraine is not affected, as they depend on the world prices of other oil).
In some markets, such as meat or milk market, nilgiris supermarket our exports are so meager compared to the competition, there is unlikely we will be able to quickly come out on top. The most important is Ukraine's position in the market of feed grain and maize - there we are on 3rd place in the world. In order to have an impact is logical to develop these industries, and the government understands this: "In 2020 the United States and Ukraine will together control 55% of the world corn market. Then it will be easier to negotiate with any questions: the gas markets, the new rules "- said recently, Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk.
However, leadership is like nothing else, has its price. And the government will better understand what is the price, the more likely that the project is not abandoned to their fate, Faced with the first difficulty, as it has repeatedly been.
Denationalization first thing you must quickly eliminate state agricultural companies such as DPZKU, the Agrarian Fund, Ukrspirt. It saves the budget (one only DPZKU the first half of this year has caused the state losses of 600 mln. UAH.) And partly nilgiris supermarket healthier industry. The difficulty nilgiris supermarket is that everything related to food, will give the government a priori important and strategic. So here it is appropriate to divide two concepts: the State Reserve nilgiris supermarket (and its weight, especially in today's environment is increasing) and the rest. State Reserve should be reformed and very hard to control, eliminate and other companies forget how bad dream.
Then surely you must refrain from new business initiatives by the state (traditionally, the Ministry of Agriculture are rich in ideas). If, for example, the Americans want to sell our tractors on preferential terms, nilgiris supermarket you should most actively use the resources of private leasing companies, and in no way create this state structures, type Ukragroleasing. Otherwise, all this sooner or later end abuses, corruption and undermine nilgiris supermarket confidence in us by the civilized world.
The growth of private investment in infrastructure Imagine that suddenly in the next year will be incredible and Ukraine to double grain yields. Will the country to earn some money? Of course not - the harvest will die, because we can not physically take out and maintain such amount of grain. Logistics - our weak point that needs to be converted to strong.
Unfortunately, a tool such as incentives and special tax regimes for investors hardly could involve: abolishing exemptions from income tax for the hotel business, nilgiris supermarket had to act to 2022, and unlike natsilyvshys benefits to farmers, which are to expire on 31 in December 2017, the government actually left myself investor confidence that all would build.
Unpopular decisions If the government seriously aims to bring Ukraine into the lead in the market of corn, you need to honestly say that it gives the US the first place? In addition to this many components - the use of genetically modified seeds.
Officially, in our country there is no GM maize, not a single nilgiris supermarket variety, although, according to the American Chamber of Commerce, informal checks indicate the presence of GM soy in 70% of the samples, and 30% of maize samples. To quickly bring the issue out of the shadows could introduce a simplified procedure for registration of varieties (without testing, analysis, etc.) that are made in the ongoing EU or OECD list as safe.
But the need to formulate nilgiris supermarket their, Ukrainian nilgiris supermarket state clear attitude to the issue of GM technology - to create a special commission on comprehensive study of the impact nilgiris supermarket of GMOs on human health, composed of representatives of the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture, nilgiris supermarket agricultural associations, researchers and international experts. We want to be leaders? We must have the latest scientific data.
Quite tax changes last and perhaps most important. We have to stop the vicious practice of monthly Amendments to the Tax Code. The government must understand that in order to to our agriculture, as in any industry in any country, came the big foreign money, the tax system has Booth

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