Wednesday, May 20, 2015

How does it work? To the shop Hanzel and Carpenter able to buy, you must bring your own container a

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Recently I took on the Internet an article about the newly opened store in Prague, which are available free food packaging materials. Instead of buying arvada beer company garbage, arvada beer company so you buy only what you really consume. Although elsewhere in the world have such trades are not new, I personally heard about it first. That you about it also have not heard? So read on.
Today's consumer society like everything wasted. Such everyday waste is to be just an ordinary purchase, from which a good half we throw in the trash, because besides food alone, we also bought a ton of plastic arvada beer company and other packaging. Reducing waste and producing unnecessary garbage arvada beer company trying a number of projects that focus on selling food without packaging materials.
The first such project arvada beer company conceived by us is called Bezobalu and is the work of journalists Peter Hanzel arvada beer company and a real estate broker Andrew Carpenter. Their goal is to introduce to the Czech market for sale Non-consumerist arvada beer company trend "buying and throw!". In their new Prague shop you can buy food on the scale to reusable packaging, so without burdening the environment. In addition, the store offers most of the food in organic quality.
How does it work? To the shop Hanzel and Carpenter able to buy, you must bring your own container arvada beer company to which you weigh the food. If you forget, they are available arvada beer company in the shop cloth or paper bags to use again. For those, however, you pay 10-60 CZK.
You must also reckon with the fact that you can not get everything in the store. You can choose from basic foods such as rice, pasta, flour and pulses. In the future, retailers hope to expand range of natural toiletries and pet food. For now, however, everything just in the stage of test sales, which is to test whether this innovatively-traditional approach Czech market is ready.
Further development of the project Bezobalu is purely in the hands of potential customers. In our western neighbors bezobalový proven sales and stores already offer full-fledged range as conventional supermarkets. So even if people show interest in us, we could not wait for something like that.
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Svrap it's a big macho even so he decided that it is time to start a family and stop thinking only of himself. And because Svrap by nature like critters;) have adopted them at the zoo deep brown whole pack :)

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