Poor Venezuelan families banned from attending subsidized by the state stores more frequently than twice a week. The restrictions introduced due to rising food prices and food shortage.
Venezuelan police, guarding public order near food shops, with fixed low prices, ordered to check the documents to customers. Attend these nationals can store twice a week, reports The Times. Employees immigration officer on duty also near retail outlets to prevent foreigners buying food that send cheap products smuggled to neighboring countries. According to the publication, there is even a shortage of goods on the black market. Residents of the country tjx logistics every day to wait for hours to buy milk or flour. It is reported that in the state of Zulia forbidden to stand in queues at night because tjx logistics the governor Julio Leon Heredia decided that such activity is detected mainly speculators.
The Senior Food Security Carlos Osorio, by contrast, argues that long lines indicate the abundance of products. Speaking on state television, he said: "If Venezuela was no food, there would be queues that we see here. We are not going to be so many people in these institutions. This is the best demonstration that we have. " Recall: earlier to control the purchase of basic products in Venezuela introduced a system of fingerprint scans, today operates a card system.
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