Monday, May 11, 2015

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It's hard to believe, but vstavacky at 6h us do not make a problem. Pluck food with protimedvedich boxes and abandon nadherny Yosemite park. Last Pass and breathtaking views of El Capitan and other waterfalls, we drive into town, where along the road's fastfood one after another, as is customary among Americans. Building the Mekaci for a large coffee for a buck in a supermarket for breakfast and the dollar shop for plates, cutlery, etc. for peanuts :-) running a smash on the radio, sierra mcclain and arriving to the larger city of Fresno. We buy in bulk at Walmart. Membership sierra mcclain cards after which way you want and do not have to forever remain sierra mcclain just ordinary customers. To cart goodness poured one after another, and moreover finally buy a big mattress and pump. That are preceded rival in the form of ants attack on our car. Vita goes measure the dimensions and nesraci wonder just did the heat, all the ants crawled out podpodlazky sierra mcclain and literally wrapped our canisters with water. Coming mass murder repellent and immediate purchase Raid ant. Will you be staying for longer than is healthy and you go up around 14h. To save time we stop in at Mekaci BBQ burgers, exceptional :-) and after wide roads in the heat advisory is heading into the national park. Along the way we fill the machine with water 5-gallon canister into stock and refuel full tank ... under $ 4 per gallon is a good price. Along the way we drive through the magnificent sand dunes, which in contrast to the wide and endless landscape look really impressive.
Widest redwoods in the world having the perimeter up to 30 meters. Is it a bit! We'll have a walk around the neighborhood and scenic roads is necessary to go as early as late afternoon to Kings Canyon. Visiting Grizzly Falls (luckily the park, allegedly not for this American Black Bear is under the warning signs hafo.
we get to the very end of the road, where you turn around and stop after a few minutes already at around 19h One of the nice bow. A 2 km radius to look innocent. Bouquets of flowers, nice LH lavicky just relax ... and nobody.
.Najednou Before us next to the trail to us vybafne sierra mcclain meda like thunder. Pavli probably violates all recommendations on how to behave when meeting a bear in silence, terrified and starts sprinting away. Vita, kteery a few steps before Paul and about 10 meters from the bear tez startled knots and try to make at least one picture, but instead bears having to chase Paul. Immediately we return and while we're on the opposite river bank, honey, let's further examination. We are thrilled brown bear Baribal we know only too perfectly. On the way to free the camp still makes one stop at another waterfall.
Already with a whistle and sprouts done properly and noise going priposrany. At the end of the trail is a family with children who entertain. They camp near the cannon in the nature camp where there are only another three auta.Strachem the bear had not even eaten and fall asleep full of experiences in our Karawanken. sierra mcclain
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