Friday, May 29, 2015

Research spacecraft weighs 1.5 tons and conduct experimental planet in orbit around 4 years. During

Agency News
Tsikh Adam (Adam Cich) started his career at Electrolux in 1996 as sales manager. 2010. And he has been general director of Electrolux Poland." Since April last year Tsikh as CEO of Electrolux in Eastern and Central Europe ... Hits - 195 comments - 0
Firtka talked with the newly elected head of the city branch of the party "bloc Petro Poroshenko" Solidarity "Peter Shkutyak and learned about his election plans related to the oligarchs and forecasts for the world. Views - 1088 comments - 0
In April this year by "Control" together with other public activists, chairman of the Association council of trustees city schools and journalists have organized a "revision" to this institution. Views - 827 comments viveco - 0
At the last assembly meeting in Ivano-Frankivsk City Council drew our attention to unusual and too "emotional" decision board. Because, you see, turn "up" to the President not familiar with is "political statements", and according to the decision of the City Council banal concerning urban mistress, looks rather strange. Views - 1624 comments - 2
Firtka decided to find out what changes await Franko as passenger public transport Frankivsk and carriers, service providers as transportation, installing monitoring systems in urban bus. Views - 1862 comments - 5
If Ukraine really the state budget in 2015 to finance the Army 90 bln., That is in digital terms as follows: 90 billion USD. and divide by 365 days, then on Day 1 accounted = 246575342 USD. Views - 617 Comments - 1
Not Frankovsk ... Kamenetz-Podolsk. viveco Now we can only envy the order, cleanliness, tranquility, positive provincial atmosphere viveco vacant squares and gardens, runners along with "religious building" flowers in flowerbeds, viveco cycle tracks ... And 20 years ago Frankivsk was normal not distorted. Already have Stanislavski phenomenon, events, and very cool perspective is not to compare with the same Kamyanets ... Views - 897 comments - 0
Nothing really there. Nature is perfect and wonderful. And the words and not enough time. In nature the time, discovered in inkubatsiy periods and bifurcations of the off-season ... Hits - 447 comments - 0 All blogs
This question wondered many generations of astrologers and mystics. Today different attitude to astrology. Not many members of the scientific world resolved to consider it as a science. The press is a huge number of publications containing negative attitude to astrology and demonstrate its absurdity. Views - 268 comments - 0
Research spacecraft weighs 1.5 tons and conduct experimental planet in orbit around 4 years. During this time, the probe must examine the atmosphere of Mars and find out where the water is gone, and as moving clouds and storms. Views - 406 comments - 0
His views on what are the prospects of the integration of the UOC KP UAOC a single Orthodox Church of Ukraine RISU correspondent viveco Natasha shared Pale Galician viveco Metropolitan Andrey (Abramchuk), manager Ivano-Frankivsk Eparchy UAOC. Views - 276 comments - 0
In Ivano-Frankivsk in the church of St. John the Baptist, on the street Mykytynetskiy is the miraculous icon of Our Lady of Welcome Stanislaviv that in May 2010 as a copy returned to the tanks. Views - 566 comments - 0
Currently, Ukraine is not ready to join NATO, but our security policy aims to ensure that meet the criteria of the Alliance. viveco This was stated viveco by Director of Policy and Communications Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alexei Makeev during the round table on cooperation between Ukraine and NATO. Views - 200 comments - 0
When the window sunny, friendly, spring, suddenly empty all the coffee! Where visitors? Ah, here! They are older venues! Where enjoy goodies viveco and admire the scenery of his native city. Views - 368 comments - 0
120 years ago earned rail Stanislav - Voronyenka, which made a deep Gutsuliya accessible viveco to tourists from all over Europe. Railways gave a serious impetus to the development Vorohty viveco rapidly gained a reputation as "the pearl resorts." By Vorohty Warsaw shuttled from the very special "dance train." Views - 438 comments - 0

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