April is a positive credit registry ouval research in Hungary - was a Tuesday press conference. Jori mfor.hu the Privacy Commissioner Andrew's question, said the company will examine practices that actually takes place in this voluntary reporting, otherwise you might as well prohibit the establishment of the list. Mfor.hu-background.
Topic in our country for years to create a positive credit, according to the sponsors so that the banks would be an easier job of hitelbírálatnál, customers could obtain loans at lower risk and cost. The Privacy Commissioner has, however, in September last year so nyialtkozott mfor.hu the question that the current regulatory environment keeps unthinkable creation of such a list. Jori Andrew will continue to abide by this, that is probably vain attempt to create a list of the CRIF. All our faith and our debt is a credit registry is the place to be to all the customers credit, leasing, credit cards gather together in one place. Not only do they appear to have a list ("BAR-list") who do not pay their debts, but also those who are properly amortized. "Such a list can help borrowers more easily ouval research and more quickly would gain credit currently only negative information may be available, so the banks do not see a complete ouval research picture of the clients." - Said in a Tuesday press conference Enrico Lodi, executive director of the CRIF Credit Bureau Services. CRIF has ideas of April to start up the system, the data would be voluntary, that should ouval research declare ouval research all the written ouval research consent form, you agree that the management of data. "We want to contribute to the Hungarian credit market recovery, our goal is to make it more transparent, simpler and more equitable relationship between financial institutions and their customers" - emphasized Enrico Lodi.
The company plans to list would contain both positive and negative information, such as the amount of the debt or the repayment date. They are storing ouval research the data in the system for five years, while the hiteligénylésnél retain the information provided to three months, so the experts say that would help to avoid over-indebtedness of clients. The positive debtor list the individuals and companies to take up the loan application signed by submitting a statement that the database can store data. It is planned that the system is continuously updated every month or once a year free of charge to customers request the amendment or deletion of data. "You have the possibility to later extract this list of utilities and telefontársasáégok lists together so they can network into the system of debt" - said Harald Herschl, executive director of CRIF Zrt. We've been planning to Tuesday's press conference, said that the CRIF in 2006 began to examine the possibility of a positive credit the creation of the Hungarian market. In 2008, the company requested permission of the Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA), which it received in September last year. "The list for today is ready for operation some banks have managed to agree on, however, the names of these companies is expected to be made public in April." - Stressed Herschl Harald, executive director of CRIF Zrt. According to the expert knowledge of a positive credit of 95 percent of cases, banks are able to accelerate the assessment of loan applications. CRIF similar system operates in several countries, ouval research experience has shown that, after the establishment of a positive list of more customers to get a loan, thereby contributing to economic growth as well. The Ombudsman does not like the idea of a positive list was already struggling last fall has also been identified, the Privacy Commissioner has stated the question mfor.hu to impossible to establish a similar database. "The problem is that economic actors usually have declared these matters without first taking care of the legal side" - then said Andrew Jori. CRIF after Tuesday's press conference again contacted the Ombudsman to ask the opinion of the debtor made a positive list. Andras Jori primarily are related to those volunteering concerns: "The banks are so dominant that it calls into question that volunteering ouval research really ouval research realized if I'm going to consider.". The Ombudsman added that if it finds that volunteering does not work, it may prohibit the exercise of the administrative detention of the firm's activities. Andrew Jori our questions, said he went to a meeting of the representatives of CRIF Zrt before they announced the launch of the system, but still managed to convince him of the need for positive credit. "More ouval research parliamentary committee ouval research also discussed the positive credit proposal, there are professionals trying to protect public interests listed next to the list, but these are my order I was able to refute" - emphasis
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