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Location: Vladimir, Russia Mood: Do not drink yadu, that pobitstsa performance food group apstenu Bosko? Music: Ubell Dlyasibya! Protivoyayadiya (more spread scans) Antidotes performance food group Long ago, our ancestors noticed that some substances are not just edible, but deadly for animals and humans. At first they were used during the war and hunting for lubrication arrowheads and spears. Later poisons performance food group found another performance food group use - palace intrigues. Especially those famous ancient East. "The king of poisons" For a long time developed very slowly toxicology considerably better was known about what can poison than how then to be treated. To protect themselves from the poison in the food, even the nobles kept otvedyvateley retinue, who first tried and the food and drink of his master. In Rome, for a long time operated a network of professional izgotovitelnits performance food group poisons - Tofan, which account for several thousand victims. Basis poisons were arsenic compounds. His distinguished low lethal dose - about 0.1 g, and signs of poisoning them very similar to the symptoms of widespread until the early XX century cholera. An important role was played by the availability of white arsenic - they hunted rats, so it can be purchased at any pharmacy. For a long time arsenic remained "king of poisons", while in the early XIX century French toxicologist Mathieu Joseph Bonaventure Orfila has not developed a way to detect it in the body. Since arsenic is becoming less used for criminal purposes. Moreover, it was found that the minimum portion (5 mg), it is even useful: it is prescribed as a tonic and tonic. He is also part of a paste which the doctor inserts for 1-2 days in an aching tooth to "kill nerve", performance food group which makes treatments performance food group painless. Mathieu Orfila won the "king of poisons" && "king of poisons" - Arsenic But "holy place is never empty" - came to replace arsenic poisons, whose presence in the body is difficult to prove. And so it began competition performance food group poisoners and toxicologists: one looking for new poisons, performance food group others - how to detect them. The science of antidotes going two ways - chelation therapy and the development of resistance to poisons. It turned out that if you regularly use a small dose of poison, the body eventually gets used to it and develops immunity against it - tolerance. The most famous in this regard Pontic King Mithridates Eupator. Fearing that he had been poisoned, he has to increase the body's resistance to poisons, took a long time teriak - Potion, which consisted of 54 toxic substances. Its goal ancient experimenter made: according to contemporaries, after the defeat he was forced to kill himself with a sword, because none poison did not act on it. Bane is different ... Poisons - are substances that block receptor function. performance food group For many poisons exact mechanism of action performance food group is unknown. It is also very important to know how and how much of the poison got into the human body. Small doses of poisons the body is able to neutralize themselves. When a lethal dose person in need of medical assistance. With regular contact with the poison in the body may develop, in addition to tolerance, increased sensitivity to the poison, largely resembling the development performance food group of allergies, as well - clusters performance food group of poison in the body of the fat tissue, bones, connective tissues. In this poisonous substance leaves the body very slowly. For example, benzene excreted by the body within 10 years after you stop working with him. A lead is deposited in human bones is irreversible. Poisons distinguish broad and narrow spectrum of action. The first group includes substances that when ingested react with any biological molecules and destroy many structures. Thus behave mustard, chlorine and strong acids. Narrow-spectrum poisons performance food group interact with only one biological structure of the organism. Examples include cyanides, and toxins. These poisons are generally much more toxic than the broad-spectrum poisons. Hydrocyanic acid and its salts (cyanides) cause rapid suffocation performance food group due to blockage of the respiratory enzymes. Lethal dose of potassium cyanide is only 0.12, the Death can lurk in the same small bottle Toxins - a substance of protein nature, is highly toxic to animals and humans. Toxins produced by most microorganisms, plants and animals sometimes. Inveterate smokers as it will be interesting to learn that the lethal dose of nicotine in humans is several tens of milligrams. From one smoked cigarettes
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