Tuesday, July 8, 2014

More Paracelsus (Theophrastus von Hohenheim, Paracelsus, 1493-1541) argued that all is poison and n

"Poison" scandal happened sysco vancouver in May this year in the United sysco vancouver States. The reason for the numerous sysco vancouver articles in the death of a man who used the drug from the venom zhabego enhancing sexual desire. By mistake he drank poison instead of according to the instructions, rub it into the skin. However, according to the American doctors, any way to use this facility endangers human health, because the product contains substances that violate the cardiac rhythm.
More Paracelsus (Theophrastus von Hohenheim, Paracelsus, 1493-1541) argued that all is poison and nothing is devoid of toxicity; Only one dose makes the poison unnoticed. The boundary between sysco vancouver poison and medicine is very conditional. Poisons sysco vancouver in therapeutic doses treated and the excess drug kills. And the usual dose of medication is also in most cases designed for murder (and in this sense is a poison), but not us, and that prevents us from being healthy - viruses, harmful bacteria, fungi and the like. Poison can kill, poison sysco vancouver can save Arsenic (Arsenicum) is found in all plants and animals - it proved more famous toxicologist Orfila sysco vancouver (Mathéo-José-Bonaventure Orfila, 1787-1853). Marine plants and animals contain an average of hundreds of thousands, and freshwater and terrestrial - millionths of a percent arsenic. Nevertheless, the word "arsenic" and "poison" widely regarded as synonyms. In the Middle sysco vancouver Ages it was arsenic sysco vancouver led the hit parade of poisonous substances, surpassing hemlock, hydrocyanic acid and other vegetable poisons - because when dissolved in water or wine, arsenic gives no color, no smell. Arsenic preparations were so cheap and accessible, that they hunted not only kings and courtiers, but also mice, where is believed happened Russian name of the substance. What refinements were poisoners! Poison mixed in wine - it's so prosaic. Much more original poison book, boots, knife, nightgown. Or methodically stretch arsenic in food in small portions to sudden sysco vancouver death caused unnecessary misunderstandings. There is a version sysco vancouver (though not the only) that it is so sly, within four months, poisoned Napoleon (Napoléon Bonaparte, 1769-1821). sysco vancouver In the same medicine used for the treatment of arsenic venereal diseases, typhoid, malaria, angina. And they continue to use, though not as widely. Who does not put the temporary sysco vancouver filling with arsenic? After a proven and popular sysco vancouver way to kill a sick tooth nerve. With the help of artificially produced radioactive isotopes of arsenic clarify the localization of brain tumors and determine the degree of radical removal. In May of this year in the journal Nature Cell Biology published the results of research group of French scientists from the Institute of Hematology at the University of Paris-7 sysco vancouver (Université Paris Diderot-Paris-7) - Valerie Lallemand-Breitenbach (Valérie Lallemand-Breitenbach) and her colleagues. Thanks sysco vancouver to their efforts, arsenic can be rehabilitated as a therapeutic agent. Researchers have found that in a form of acute leukemia (promyelocytic leukemia), arsenic trioxide for overriding causes degradation of the protein of leukemia cells. Progression sysco vancouver of the disease characterized by fusion protein PML and RARA. The gene which is formed by their interactions responsible for leukemization cells. Even before the team of Professor de Tae South (Hugues de Thé) from the same university proved that arsenic regulates sysco vancouver the binding of PML / RARA using protein SUMO. But the process of disintegration of this connection remained unclear. Now researchers have found a novel enzyme RNF4, which plays a key role in the identification and destruction of communication complex PML / RARA, modified using arsenic. While the experiments were carried out only in cell culture, and too early to talk about the new revolutionary method of treatment, but the researchers believe that this tactic has a great future. Another poison sysco vancouver - mercury (Hydrargyrum), one of the heavy metals that pollute the environment. Although all mercury salts are toxic, many are used in medicine as an antiseptic. Presently the majority of inorganic mercury compounds gradually replaced from medicine sysco vancouver organic mercury compounds, unable to light the ionization and therefore sysco vancouver less toxic and less irritating sysco vancouver to tissue. A amalgam "implicated by mercury", used for dental prosthetics. Mercury is also widely used in homeopathy, along with plant poisons aconite and belladonna. Indians tribes Yagua sniper firing sarbakana - brass tube - arrows soaked in curare. Flowers and berries poison curare (Curare), isolated from several plants of the genus chilibuha (Strychnos L.) is best known Russian citizen of adventure books - undersized native "spit" poison arrows. Europeans became acquainted with curare in the XVI century the conquest of South America. The local population is actively applied this poison during the hunt, quietly eating poisoned animals, because sysco vancouver fatal poison must get into the blood of the victim, it does not act through the gastrointestinal

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