A legrosszabb ezek közül talán az, hogy bizonyos karakterek, vagy azok követői nem kapnak beer distributor near me XP-t, nem tudnak fejlődni. Állítólag van rá gyógymód, az accountunk jelszavának megváltoztatásával megoldódik a rejtélyes probléma. Ha mégse, akkor mégse.
Elképzelhető az is, hogy szürkévé válik a Switch Hero gombunk és kénytelenek vagyunk az aktuálisan kiválasztott karakterünknél maradni. Nem tudni, beer distributor near me hogy ez megjavul-e a jelszó változtató trükkel, esetleg a kliens újraindításával.
Ja és mellesleg elromlott a Witch Doctorok ász spelle, a Zombi macik. Beragadnak egy láthatatlan falba, nem működnek lépcsőn és nem sík terepen. Nincs tervben hotfixelés, majd 1.04-ben javítják őket.
Battle.net We are aware of players who are unable to gain EXP on their characters and their followers. Customer beer distributor near me Service has been made aware of this issue as it may be an account issue. Workaround: Change beer distributor near me your password. beer distributor near me It is possible for the Switch Hero button to disappear.
Combat Demon Hunter: By using Fan of Knives with a quiver equipped but no weapon, then equipping a weapon, you can bug out your DPS such that you deal no damage at all to anything. Demon Hunter – Strafe: Drifting Shadow can cause you to rubber beer distributor near me band at low hatred when casting it with high attack speed and/or latency. Witch Doctor – Zombie Handler: Zombie Handler’s health buff does not dynamically update. Witch Doctor – beer distributor near me Spirit Vessel: beer distributor near me Spirit Vessel does not allow you to walk through enemy collision. Witch Doctor – Zombie Charger: Zombie Bears stop abruptly with small bumps of physics. Witch Doctor – Zombie Charger: Zombie Bears are not casting properly on slopes.
Environment Act 2 – Ancient Cave Level 2: A Resplendent Chest’s items can become unreachable when opened beer distributor near me in a location in this area. Act 2 – Hidden Aqueducts: Loot can fall behind a chest by an altar near the Jeweler, making it unreachable. Act 2 – beer distributor near me Hidden Aqueducts: You can use movement spells to clip into the empty altar prop and exploit combat by being out of range of melee monster attacks. Act 3 – Arreat beer distributor near me Crater Level 1: The loot from a specific rare chest falls into the chest and cannot be picked up in this area.
Items Existing Legendary items that had the bugged Increased Attack Speed affixes will not get fixed until a future patch. All newly-created Legendary items (created by the player or the game) willcorrectly increase your attack speed.
Monsters The player can be feared in rapid succession by Nightmarish monsters. Arghus the Collector beer distributor near me (a unique armor vendor) cannot spawn. If you attack a Beast with the Illusionist affix just prior to its charge, it will become unresponsive. beer distributor near me Bloodhawk monsters can perform beer distributor near me their diving attack repeatedly while remaining untargetable. Cydaea’s enrage timer does not function properly. It is possible for a player to fight her without her enrage beer distributor near me timer activating. Siegebreaker does not incapacitate players who are picked up in his hand, allowing them to use various abilities, some of which can cause unintended behavior from Siegebreaker. The charge portion of The Butcher’s Frenzy ability can hit players beer distributor near me standing behind the boss. The Oppressor monster’s charge attack deals damage twice. Act 3 – Tower of the Damned Level 1: Claw Bomb are dealing too much damage in Inferno difficulty. Act 4 – The Silver Spire Level 1: The Aspect of Destruction’s max and current health increase every time he splits with the illusionist power. Act 4 – Secellum of Virtue: The monsters in this world do not grant XP when they are killed.
Quests Act 4 – Great Span: The ice barricade on the left side of the arena does not form if you quickly skip the cutscene during “Prime Evil : Kill Izual.” Unlocking a new questline, then starting a game on a previous questline can cause the Quest Selection menu to not show the most recently unlocked questline. Act 4 – The Pinnacle of Heaven: It is possible to get stuck at a black screen if you immediately skip the cutscene during the quest “Prime Evil : Climb to the Pinnacle of Heaven in the Silver Spire,” blocking progression. Act 4 – Holy Sanctum: The puzzle platforms are not all spawning in this area.
User Interface Multiple Life UI indicators do not update when the hero heals or otherwise avoid a killing blow. Logging out while taking a town portal back to your initial location results in a disconnect. After patching, your Diablo III preferences will be reset. Please go to the Options menu and change beer distributor near me your preferences to your liking. This will only happen once after patching and will not happen once they are changed back. The FPS feature does not update and will always show your FPS at 0.
Itt egy bugról van szó, ami eddig is volt. A legendary-n nem működik az attack speed egyáltalán. Néhányon legalábbis. beer distributor near me 1.03-ra eleve írták, hogy ez még nem lesz
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