Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Nov. 5th, 2013 06:35 am (UTC)

So true. First, thanks to the organizers, ie club "Nauka.Vkusno" for the invitation, "Tea height" - for shelter, delicious and unusual alcohol distributors tea room, and those who dared to come on a Sunday evening - for the confidence :) I hope I acquitted him. Secondly, thanks to Alex Paevsky for what filmed lecture. No thanks camcorder battery, which is discharged at the most inopportune moment, as a result, the record is not entered a significant part of the story of Ibn Sina, and all that I talked about Paracelsus and Orfile. In any case, I'm going to do a series of posts in the wake of the lecture, because it is not the whole entered naryty stuff, so I'll try to make up for a missed enemy equipment. In addition, the record did not include a session of questions and answers, and there are many interesting things discussed. Special thanks for valuable tarkhil clarify the course and after the lecture. It is clear that not without reservations and linings, for example, forgot to make a slide with synapse alcohol distributors had to quickly draw it on paper, otherwise explain alcohol distributors about the FOV and atropine alcohol distributors would be impossible. But in general, like edible. Under the cut, if you are interested, a few photos from the event of the same authorship Alexei Payevsky. alcohol distributors View from the other side of the hall, "That somehow it is they, the hedgehogs ..." "Uzbagoytes" how would I tell the audience and the audience even something outlined True, true, something is recorded and then this I mysyu on the tree, but a gray wolf hereinafter ;)
Nov. 5th, 2013 06:35 am (UTC)
Oct. 30th, 2013 09:14 am (UTC)
Incidentally, another alcohol distributors well-known anecdote about the antidote: "if you accidentally drank the developer, do not despair! We must then quickly drink and fixer." Alas, meaning it will be soon forgotten. But sodium thiosulfate - also one of the classic heavy metal antidotes. Yes, there were about cyanide and arsenic, as he was born thanks to forensics.
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