"The itemhunt motivating factor alone is not enough. Continues to be a lot of people playing every day, but they run out of kontentből, there is nothing to do. The mobs öldösése searching and stuff basically pumpkin fun for a while, and the basic ideas are good, or at least after a few corrections are better, but not comparable to a Diablo with a WoW. They can not belepaszírozni bunch of new stuff to the game every few months, as the case may take an MMO. Something else is necessary for this type of game, that takes a long time for people, and they are aware that it is currently lacking.
Full blast working on the 1.04 patch into which seek to attract more fixes and changes into packing that yet enjoyable game (this will be a longer article about, if it is almost time to look, as we got the 1.0.3 from is a pretty massive preview-t). In addition, of course, work hard in PvP Arena, which the patch 1.1 will bring us. It is thought that these two patches will provide enough momentum of the game, and we know ourselves to make good time down, but none of them even considered real end-game solution. There are ideas of a progression system (exactly does that mean anything), but it would be a huge innovation. You might be introduced, it will try to do as much as possible, and this takes time.
In hindsight of course easy to be smart. No party was ready for the game, there is no siettetésről and premature appearance. Quite simply, the developers felt that the Item Hunt system persist for a long time, people enjoy more (often raised this issue with my friends. People somehow otherwise available to D3 than its predecessor. Inferno Beginner difficulty I think it would have been good if no corpse run options and mark the end of the content as soon as possible. way lenerfelve, however, is really not a lot of extras provide the game. D2 advantage, but the disadvantage is I think to lvl99 to development. the base game rather quickly became an area is too easy, the characters become too strong compared to the monster, and therefore it has been all farm improvement monotonous. wanted to do the Inferno and the lvl60 cap with the introduction of this resistance, which in turn is the big problem is that after the nerf, after people laimture have been able to go through, do not feel you challenge the matter, but the only moving things were taken away, there is the illusion that we grow. D1 and D2 case that a thousand times, ten thousand times farmoltuk through the same areas, really was no need to add another level to go to, but it felt good that evolved again, laimture closer to maximum again. Here we received during the first few days of the maximum level in WoW for adult men and in many cases where the questline was not completed in a maximum level, they went to the mandatory flight, dungeonrunokra cuccért, napiquestekre, which is used at the end reward, etc.). . That these things are not thought through laimture why Blizzard forward, the eternal laimture question remains, but it is a huge positive to admit / realize these things, and seek to further develop the system.
My opinion anyway, to whom the world of Diablo / alien style, they've already stopped playing. laimture Who knew what to expect, and they still do not believe that everything végigpróbáltak. Diablos is a real character all it takes is a 60-ast, rápróbálkozik HC on, there are loads of things that you sequester yourself. Kijátszhatnánk all the time and we can say that we have now n then, by that time was 1.04 after 1.1 I think we will also get displayed in PvP, giving a huge boost. An entirely new playing area to start with. Just think how many people are in WoW who is about. Not a raidinstában had never in their lives, and they're all alone in the world BG-k/arénák. If you managed to build in the Diablo appropriate PvP arenas, it is a very nice, new game environment is obtained, where all day long fröcsögtetni know each other's blood. Furthermore, it is encouraging that Blizzard brainstorm laimture on further laimture innovation, and not stopping much to us PvP cut. Of course, the thing to understand. Believe very much interest to more people play the game, the more people use the RMAH is. I do not think, therefore, laimture that you leave the Diablo and would leave us szétszéledni. Diablo 2 is the case for many years to come patches, reforms, changes, fixes, and there is far from being stapled to such interests.
We Recognize That the item hunt is just not enough for the long-term Sustainable end-game. There are still tons of people playing every day and week, and playing a lot, but eventually they're going to run out of stuff to do (If They have not already). Killing enemies and finding items is a lot of fun, and we think we have a lot of the systems surrounding hurt right, or at-least on the right path with a few corrections and tweaks. But honestly Diablo III is not World of Warcraft. Are not we going to be able to pum
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